The book chicken Soup for the Soul Power moms basically talks of the mixed feelings a mother has
The book: ‘chicken Soup for the Soul: Power moms’ basically talks of the mixed feelings a mother has; the sorrows, the joys, the unending challenges that come by every single day and all the difficult choices a mother has to make taking care of her family, especially the children. The writers are varied and are speaking based on experience and of the choices they had to take regarding their jobs and families (Canfield, Hansen & Walker, 2009).
This books helps women, mostly mothers since these are stories from other women, majorly, that face or rather had face the same kind of challenges; moments of joy and fun with their husbands, friends and children, and at times massive tribulation in the name of showing love and care for their families, extra duties to take care of at work and worse still think of themselves. Many women see this as impossible and tend to think that they are all alone in all these.
Canfield, Hansen &Walker (2009) mention some of the issues talked about in the book, the list would include decision making, as women may want to be with and support their spouses and children in doing things they consider of value to them, but they are unable to because of the kind of jobs they do. This role is not easy to play as one has to let something go, and most of the time its the job. Many mothers do not find it easy to be away from their children as they grow up and so opt to the idea of staying at home. Women have different reasons for the choices they make, some that do not like working in the office or do not love their jobs, they may just choose to stay home evading job in the name of motherhood, both the decisions and many others result in a good or bad experience in the long run, and in all these the mother gets to learn and becomes wiser.
The second chapter talks of what activities a woman has to do every single day, Canfield, Hansen & Walker (2009) regard the title as ‘the daily grind,’ this explains things mothers go through with and for their children as they are stay-at-home moms. These include the time they spend with their children that help them know them better; going out with them for picnics, playing with the children at the set times, reading them bedtime stories and tucking them in bed among other things. This creates a bond between a mother and a child, as the mother is there for her child and he or she feels loved and worthy, this way a child cannot be unruly or lawless.
Outside the box, the third chapter of the book, here different mothers discuss alternative parenting styles and life-planning for their children (Canfield et al.,2009). In this chapter mothers talk of how their decisions to be at home with their children has had an effect on their lives; some are just ‘angels of their own’, well mannered and disciplined children, the mother having pride in her work shares it in this chapter. At the same time, the parent that is also disappointed in her unruly child, tends to elaborate on her style of parenting for her to get this particular result, on the same chapter. The end result or rather the traits a child grow up having, can be used as an evaluation by the mother to help her see the effect of her presence in the lives of her little ones. This can break or make a mother’s self-esteem, when she sees the negative or positive effects (Canfield et al, 2009).
The next chapter places the happy mothers here as they consider themselves specialists in making, first they appreciate the decision they made to be with their families over being stuck in an office because of a job at the expense of their families, so they dropped their jobs for special duties at home; to be wives and especially mothers. The great times they have had with their children, award them the name ‘super moms’ and the more bonding, make them feel loved and have a sense of belonging. The work-from-home moms, have extra duties to put their hands on but still they make it work as they know they are their children’s role models and caretakers.
The next two chapters, expound on the issues that working women have to face to ensure that their children are provided for, and that their lives are comfortable. They work from home so that they can be with their children more, and at the same time make money to ensure their families are provided for. This kind of life is sort of hard to imagine let alone living it, but Canfield, et al. (2009) ascertain that these mothers sacrificed their comfort for the sake of their children and made their homes a haven. Their fears and doubts diminished with time as they realized that working from home and being with the children at the same time was not so outrageous but instead a great experience.
In gender benders, the writers are mainly men, they talk about their stay-at-home wives as life savers, they appreciate the great work on their children and the ever orderly home that has a serene environment for them when they get back from work. Some of the men here actually thank their mothers for the bond they had because of her decision to spend more time with them at home. The women spoken of in the chapter made a choice by themselves to stay or work from home, and this alone shows a sense of responsibility they have in love, this make them special people in the lives of their children (Canfield et al.,2009).
The dividends; the awesome rewards earned by the mothers that stay home, they are so happy about the whole idea of being with their children, cut down costs as the mother stays home most of the day, she has time to pick her children from school and has more time to listen to them, because its her time to manage.
Pink slips talks of the time when the mother has to let go of the grown child. Canfield, Hansen & Walker (2009) explain this as a hard task especially to the mothers that played full-time stay-at-home moms, because of the attachment to her children was deeply rooted. The same thing can happen to the children and they would not want to move out, if they had a good relationship with their stay-at-home parents. The ones away in college will want to come back home as soon as they close if not every weekend. The attachment may cause pain to both parents and children as they may want to hang on to what they have and know.
A parent plays an important role in the life of his or her child, and the mere absence can have adverse effect on the child’s child. The decision by a mother to stay home with her children and just be the mother they need,is an amazing idea. The fact that women can work-from-home to provide for their families and be with them, is even a greater idea. This makes me this book a perfect gift to a mother
Canfield, J., Hansen, M. V., Walker, W. (2009) Chicken Soup for the Soul: Power Moms 101 Stories Celebrating the Power of Choice to Stay-at-Home and Hork-from-Home Moms:chicken soup for the soul publishing,llc.
Canfield, J., Hansen, M. V., Walker, W. (2009) Chicken Soup for the Soul: Thanks Mom;101 stories of Gratitude, Love, and Good Times: chicken soup for the soul publishing,llc.