Project Guidelines

Project Guidelines


You have been hired to construct a Health Promotion Program Plan that will apply the steps of

Health Education Program planning process as outlined in the text for this course. You are

competing for a grant up to $15,000 from a funder that will determine if your plan is worthy of

financial support.


Your first steps in completing the health education planning process are:

• Develop a company name; this will be used throughout the project when identifying who will be implementing the project (i.e. The Healthy Kids Coalition versus us, we,


• Select a health problem upon which to base the project. • All professional writing should be in the third person using your company name (or a

different fictitious company name) such as ‘The Healthy Kids Coalition, Inc.’, ‘health

educators will’ or ‘the health promotion team at The Healthy Kids Coalition, Inc.’,


• Over the subsequent weeks, you will complete the basic steps to create, design, implement, and evaluate a health promotion program. The final project will be

submitted as one document during the final weeks of the course.


Format: The citation and reference style to be used is the American Psychological Association

(APA). The complete plan must be approximately 20 pages or less, not including the appendices.

Appendices should consist of additional information such as budget and implementation




Required Content


1. Cover Page; Please follow APA format when designing your project cover page.


2. Table of Contents (1 page)

3. Executive Summary (1 page) Describe your program, its goals and your target health issues and population in an

overview mode. It must include a brief description of the proposed project, including the

focus area to be addressed, the proposed services, the impact and benefits of the program

and expected number of individuals to be served. The Executive Summary is typically the

last portion of the program plan written.


4. Program Rationale (4-6 pages) Describe the health problem, health behavior, and Quality of Life issue. Use this section

to justify WHY your program is needed, and why the reader and/or funding source

should care/give you money.

• Identify the health problem in broad terms backing it up with international, national, state, and local data (e.g. incidence/prevalence rates). Include the economic cost &

consequences of the problem; Communicate the extent/severity of the problem.



• Narrow the health problem by showing its relationship to the targeted population, including target population specific data such as unique characteristics of your target

population that interact with the health issue, and/or make the population particularly

vulnerable to the chosen health problem. In other words, tell me who your target

population is and why they were specifically chosen for this intervention (e.g. why

the health problem and/or health behaviors are especially bad in this population; why

is this pop especially vulnerable to this health problem; etc.)

• What behavior(s) or social/environmental factors contribute to this health problem? Which behavior(s) and/or factors, which contribute to the above health problem, will

you target in your intervention? Why did you select this/these as the focus (i.e.

address importance and changeability)?

• State a proposed solution to the problem. Include the name and purpose of the proposed health promotion program and provide a general overview of the program.

• State why the program will be successful.

5. Program Planning Documentation (2-4 Pages) • Identify which planning model you chose and why; How does this planning model

relate to your topic and/or audience?

• Identify which behavior change theorie(s) and/or theoretical constructs your program will employ

• Cite examples of other successful programs related to your topic and audience that have used a similar planning process and similar behavior change theories/constructs.

Include any lessons learned or implications for programming from previous

programs. Also consider what factors must be taken into account for an intervention

to be successful.


6. Intervention Outline (8-12 pages) A. Mission Statement – Refer to the McKenzie text (chapter 6) or examples posted on D2L

for format and example


B. Program Goals and Objectives – Refer to the McKenzie text (chapter 6) or exaples posted on D2L for the format and examples of writing goals and objectives

• You need at least ONE goal • You need at least EIGHT objectives  one of each type

a. Process; b. Impact – learning- awareness; c. Impact – learning – knowledge; d. Impact – learning – attitude; e. Impact – learning – skills; f. Impact – behavioral; g. Impact – environmental; h. Outcome

• You need to justify/support EACH objective with research/literature



C. Implementation Plans – You need to tell me EXACTLY what you are going to do. I need to be able to pick up your paper & carry out your program based on what you have

written on the page.

• Possible intervention strategies/components/activities to include in your description (see chapter 8, p 193-212):

a. Health communication strategies b. Health education strategies (there are 51 possibilities listed in the


c. Health policy/enforcement strategies d. Environmental change strategies e. Health-related community service strategies f. Community mobilization strategies g. “Other” strategies

• Your program MUST contain at least THREE separate components/strategies!!!

• You need the implementation described in detail in the text, as well as in a quick reference chart (AKA: Detailed Implementation Plan) as an appendix.

• Refer to Program Plan examples posted on D2L for how this should be written

D. Program Timeline – This is a timeline, from initial idea of program, through needs assessment, the planning process, the implementation process, and the evaluation

process; This gives me actual dates (or at least months) in which each element of the

program planning, implementation, & evaluation process will occur.

 Refer to the McKenzie text (Chapter 12) for example formats; also see Program Plan examples posted on D2L


E. Resources Needed – You need to detail what EXACT resources will be needed to plan, implement, and evaluate your program. Should include what personnel, curriculum and

other instructional resources, space, equipment, supplies, and financial resources are

required for your program. This should read like a grocery list with quantity, item, and

what the item will be used for and come from.

• Refer to the McKenzie text (Chapter 10) for example listing of resources needed; Refer to Program Plan examples posted on D2L for how this should

be written


F. Budget Outline – Items listed in budget must be tied directly to a specific goal and/or objective. You need to describe the budget in words (e.g. a budget narrative) within the

text of the paper as well as create a line-item budget as an appendix.

 Refer to the McKenzie text (Chapter 10), Program Plan examples posted on D2L, or real-life budget spreadsheets posted in ‘Powerpoints & Reading Materials’

folder on D2L for example format


7. Evaluation (6-8 pages) How will you evaluate your program? Evaluative measures must be able to assess: (1) To

what extent the program objectives have been met, and (2) What impact has been made

or what behavior change was made.



• Using Capacity for Health’s Evaluation Plan Template, develop an Evaluation Plan following the sections below:

A. Introduction: A brief description of why and what you are evaluating. B. Program Description: A few paragraphs about your program to set the context for


C. Evaluation Activities-“Who, What, Why, and How”: All the details of your planned evaluation.

D. Using Evaluation Results: A description of how you will use the evaluation to improve the program.

E. Work plan: A chart of concrete evaluation activities, person(s) responsible, and timeframes.

F. Appendix: Supporting documents.

****Refer to the more detailed descriptions of each of the above sections in the Evaluation

Plan Template to help guide you.***


8. Artifact (1-3 pages) You will need to create and attach an artifact from your program. This could be a flier

advertising the program, brochure or other materials associated with or distributed during

your program, a lesson plan, etc.


9. Logic Model You will need to create and attach a logic model for your program. See the Community

ToolBox for info about Logic Models and examples. UW-Extension also has some good

logic model templates & examples


10. Appendices This will include the detailed implementation plan, program timeline, budget, work plan,

evaluation chart, artifact, logic model, etc.


11. References; Follow APA style format





This is only a suggested outline. Your program may need additional sections or need to be longer

and more detailed in certain areas. Please feel free to add to this outline to best develop your

final presentation of your program.



Program Plan is worth a total of 200 points

• ¼ point deduction for EACH grammatical, typographical, formatting, and/or APA error!!!

• 10 point deduction for EACH quotation



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