What type of mass movement event would most likely occur in Yosemite National Park, or any other place with exceptionally steep cliffs of solid bedrock?

1. What type of mass movement event would most likely occur in Yosemite National Park, or any other place with exceptionally steep cliffs of solid bedrock?

A. rock slump

B. debris flow

C. rock fall

D. earth creep    

2. Go to http://seismo.berkeley.edu/blog/seismoblog.php/1996/12/10/199. In 1996 Yosemite NP experienced a fatal mass movement event. What knocked over the trees between the base of the cliff and Happy Isles Visitor Center during this event?

Select one:

a massive rock

b. the wind blast from a massive rock

c. seismic shaking

3. Which best describes what causes mass movements of land? 

Select one:

a. Friction between debris and bedrock causes debris to move downslope.

b. Movement occurs when force of gravity exceeds resisting strength.

c. Mass movement is caused when materials are on inclined slopes.

d. The more cohesive the materials, the more likely they are to move.

4. Which factor, when present, generally increases slope stability (that is, makes them less likely to fail)?

Select one:

a. weathering

b. faults and fractures

c. large amount of water

d. vegetation

5. How is the mass movement phenomena classified when the slope failure occurs along a spoon-shaped, curved sliding surface?

Select one:

a. creep

b. debris flow

c. slump

d. rock slide

6. What would make a hill slope less stable?

Select one:

a. Bedding planes perpendicular to the slope

b. Bedding planes parallel to the slope

c. Foliation perpendicular to the slope

d. Shallow slope angle

7. Go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51C7vEAVbxk&feature=related. From what you have learned in lecture, what type of mass wasting event is seen in this video?

Select one:

a. mudslide

b. rock slide

c. soil creep

d. debris flow

8. Which one of these is not a factor contributing to landslide or rockfall hazards.

Select one:

a. The material strength

b. The orientation of bedding planes, foliation, and joints.

c. None of the above

d. The steepness of the slope

e. The level of water saturation

9. Based on the size of the pieces, name the hazard that took place at 38:00 minutes in the video via the link below:


Select one:

a. Debris flow

b. Slump

c. Rock slide

d. Soil creep

10. There is a steep soil slope covered with trees and brush. Which events could increase the chance or trigger slope failure (landslide)?

Select one:

a. increase in steepness due to stream or waves under-cutting or development (road-cut)

b. addition of weight or water to the slope through development or irrigation

c. a wet storm

d. wildfire or logging destroying vegetation

e. all of the these

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