Trait Conscientiousness correlates significantly with transactional distance.

Trait Openness correlates significantly with transactional distance in the

asynchronous video-based e-learning environment.

H10-O: Trait Openness does not correlate significantly with transactional distance in

the asynchronous video-based e-learning environment.

H1A-C: Trait Conscientiousness correlates significantly with transactional distance in

the asynchronous video-based e-learning environment.

H10-C: Trait Conscientiousness does not correlate significantly with transactional

distance in the asynchronous video-based e-learning environment.


H1A-E: Trait Extroversion correlates significantly with transactional distance in the

asynchronous video-based e-learning environment.

H10-E: Trait Extroversion does not correlate significantly with transactional distance

in the asynchronous video-based e-learning environment.

H1A-A: Trait Agreeableness correlates significantly with transactional distance in the

asynchronous video-based e-learning environment.

H10-A: Trait Agreeableness does not correlate significantly with transactional distance

in the asynchronous video-based e-learning environment.

H1A-N: Trait Neuroticism correlates significantly with transactional distance in the

asynchronous video-based e-learning environment.

H10-N: Trait Neuroticism does not correlate significantly with transactional distance in

the asynchronous video-based e-learning environment.

RQ2: Which personality traits predict transactional distance as explored with

regression analysis within the asynchronous video-based e-learning


H2A-O: Trait Openness is significantly predictive of transactional distance in the

asynchronous video-based e-learning environment.

H20-O: Trait Openness is not significantly predictive of transactional distance in the

asynchronous video-based e-learning environment.

H2A-C: Trait Conscientiousness is significantly predictive of transactional distance in

the asynchronous video-based e-learning environment.

H20-C: Trait Conscientiousness is not significantly predictive of transactional distance

in the asynchronous video-based e-learning environment.


H2A-E: Trait Extroversion is significantly predictive of transactional distance in the

asynchronous video-based e-learning environment.

H20-E: Trait Extroversion is not significantly predictive of transactional distance in the

asynchronous video-based e-learning environment.

H2A-A: Trait Agreeableness is significantly predictive of transactional distance in the

asynchronous video-based e-learning environment.

H20-A: Trait Agreeableness is not significantly predictive of transactional distance in

the asynchronous video-based e-learning environment.

H2A-N: Trait Neuroticism is significantly predictive of transactional distance in the

asynchronous video-based e-learning environment.

H20-N: Trait Neuroticism is not significantly predictive of transactional distance in the

asynchronous video-based e-learning environment.

Within the study, a significant positive or negative correlation between a

personality trait with transactional distance and a statistically significant degree of

prediction supported the associated alternative hypothesis and rejected the null

hypothesis. Additionally, and more meaningfully, such results addressed the gap in the

research as identified by the problem statement by describing the relationship between

the personality trait and learner perceived transactional distance.

Advancing Scientific Knowledge

The existing research was limited in its exploration of the influence of personality

traits on learner behaviors and outcomes within the asynchronous video e-learning

environment. A trend in e-learning research was investigating learner outcomes as it

related to the learner’s psychological constructs. A majority of research in active


learning indicated that the greater the amount of learner activity, the better the learner

performs (Lucas et al., 2013). However, not all learners in face-to-face environments

engaged with the activity in the same manner or with the same level of attention,

differences that may be explained by the psychological constructs of self-efficacy

(Hauser et al., 2012), motivation (Byun, 2014), and attitudes (Wu & Hwang, 2010).

Further investigation suggested that learner personality traits might be the underlying

construct (Donche et al., 2013; Kim, 2013).

Research in the online environment experienced a similar path, with research

examining learner outcomes within differing environments. The results indicated that

psychological constructs appeared to correlate with the level of learner satisfaction and

performance based upon the environmental conditions, such as the structure, availability

to communicate, the boundaries set on the learner, and the learner’s behavior (Falloon,

2011). The research examined personality traits as a correlate to learner behavior within

e-learning environments as measured by the self-reported strength of the learner’s

interaction with the instructional source within variety of e-learning environments,

including computer-aided instruction (Kickul & Kickul, 2006), hybrid online and in-class

environments (Al-Dujaily et al., 2013), and game-based learning (Bauer et al., 2012).

However, the developing e-learning environment of asynchronous video instruction had

not yet been explored, thereby creating a gap in the research.

These investigations were supported by personality trait theory, which suggested

that individuals’ personalities are composed of hundreds of facets, which are clustered

into major categories. A widely accepted personality trait model is the Five-Factor

Model, which offers five broad traits of human behavior: Extroversion, Neuroticism,


Openness to Experience, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness (McCrae & Costa,

2003). Individual personality traits are considered stable over time and personality traits

moderate behavior such that individual tendencies within environments are consistent

over time (Wortman et al., 2012).

Within the online environment, the Theory of Transactional Distance assists in

describing the relationships between learner, the instructor, and learner outcomes (Moore,

1993). TDT offers that the interaction between a learner and the instructor is influenced

by three factors: dialogue, the learning structure, and the amount of learner autonomy.

The amount of perceived pedagogical distance between the learner and the instructor is

called transactional distance. The closer the TD, the more able the learner is to ask

questions, clarify information, and engage in learning activities, which, in turn, supports

higher learning performance (Hauser et al., 2012).

Falloon (2011) recommended exploration of the efficacy of the virtual classroom

while considering individual preferences within various environments, a call that has

been answered for a variety of environments, including hybrid online and in-seat

classrooms (Al-Dujaily et al., 2013; Murphy & Rodríguez-Manzanares, 2008),

asynchronous computer-assisted instruction (Kickul & Kickul, 2006), and game-based

learning (Bauer et al., 2012; Mayer, Kortmann, Wenzler, Wetters, & Spaans, 2014).

Bolliger and Erichsen (2013) furthered the call to specifically examine the correlation

between personality types and satisfying interactions within different learning

environments. The present study measured personality traits of the sample population

and compared those measures to the participants’ perceived TD within the asynchronous

video environment. The research determined whether or not a relationship exists


between FFM personality traits with learner behavior within the prescribed learning

structure. The immediate results of this study specifically addressed the gap identified by

Bolliger and Erichsen (2013), and advanced scientific knowledge about the relationship

between personality traits and TD within the video e-learning environment, an

environment that had heretofore not been explored.

The present study provided insight into Moore’s (1993) construct of dialogue,

which Moore defines as interaction that is “purposeful, constructive, and valued by each

party” (p. 24). Although dialogue has traditionally been thought of as a series of real

interactions, the asynchronous video environment presents the opportunity for perceived

dialogue between the viewer and the actor, a phenomenon known to occur between fans

and celebrities in which a unidirectional attachment develops, creating a value to the

viewer and sense of interaction between the two as perceived by the viewer (Maltby et

al., 2011). The result of the perceived dialogue is a smaller transactional distance.

Although TDT has transactional distance at the center construct of the theory (Gibson,

2003), Moore also addresses the learner’s characteristics as being salient to the equation.

Moore (1993) emphasized that TD is a relative variable influenced by the learner’s

behaviors and characteristics, amongst other factors. The present study further defined

Moore’s construct of the learner to include self-regulatory processes, such as specific

personality traits, as relevant to individual learning interactions.

The results also provided discussion points regarding personality trait theory.

With a correlation between personality traits and transactional distance, personality

theorists could more fully define the personality trait to include preferences and behaviors

within distant or electronic environments. For example, if Extroversion was correlated


with improved interaction within the asynchronous video environment, which was a

measure of the present study, as well as being correlated to procedural knowledge in an

adaptive environment (Al-Dujaily et al., 2013), being positively correlated with high

learner control environments (Orvis et al., 2011), related to increased trust within video

environments (Tsan & Day, 2007), and related to decreased participation on

asynchronous video discussion boards (Borup et al., 2013), personality theorists could

seek commonalities suitable for enhancing the definition of the trait.

Significance of the Study

The literature demonstrated a relationship between personality traits and

transactional distance within a variety of environments, including computer-aided

instruction (Kickul & Kickul, 2006), blended online and face-to-face (Al-Dujaily et al.,

2013), game-based learning (Bauer et al., 2012), and autonomous learning conditions

(Orvis et al., 2011). The compilation of literature allows for the mapping of personality

traits to environments in which the learner produces the most desirable outcomes. The

present research added additional structure to the interaction map for video-based e-

learning. Once developed, the map of relationships between personality traits and

learning environments will inform studies searching to develop theories relating

personality constructs, including FFM personality traits, and learning environments. The

development of such theories will enable researchers and instructional designers the

ability to predict behaviors within future e-learning environments.

For the present time, determining the relationship between personality traits and

transactional distance within the video e-learning environment expanded the scholarly

literature of individual traits and their influence on e-learning. Practical applications of


the research results include equipping instructional designers with an extended catalogue

of learning frameworks that includes asynchronous video e-learning and its association

with personality traits for maximizing individual learner outcomes (Benson &

Samarawickrema, 2009; Hwang et al., 2013). Real-world applications included user-

selected learning frameworks based upon learner preferences (Fraihat & Shambour,

2015), and adaptive learning applications (Takeuchi et al., 2009).

Additionally, correlations between learner personality traits and transactional

distance within the video environment provided information beneficial for the design,

development, and implementation of other online video forums, such as social

environments in which trust development is important (Zhao, Ha, & Widdows, 2013),

collaboration within virtual teams (Dullemond, van Gameren, & van Solingen, 2014),

and distant healthcare and social services (Weber, Geigle, & Barkdull, 2014). The

application of trait-interaction information within the video environment extends to any

situation in which video, either synchronous or asynchronous, is practiced. Seemingly

minor applications include understanding the efficacy of video instruction for providing

passenger pre-takeoff instructions for airlines, safety briefings for utility workers, and

organizing large workgroups. Although these purposes may not seem to be related to the

e-learning environment, any social interaction, real or perceived, provides a learning

opportunity (Bandura, 1977; Mintzes, Marcum, Messerschmidt-Yates, & Mark, 2013).

Theoretical insights also emerged from this research. The results helped to

determine whether Agreeableness interacted with the video environment due to a

perceived relationship with the on-screen instructor. Agreeableness is associated with

characteristics of pleasing and accommodating (McCrae & Costa, 2003), which may be


related to weak internal motivations based upon others’ expectations (Briki et al., 2015;

Deci & Ryan, 2008). A correlation between Extroversion and learning behavior within

the asynchronous video environment provided additional support for an incentive-based

motivation model for Extroversion. Incentive-based models of motivation state that an

individual becomes motivated by the anticipation of rewarding activity, such as

answering questions correctly and demonstrating knowledge before an audience—in the

case of the present research, the perceived audience of the video instructor (Merrick &

Shafi, 2013). Trait Extroversion also correlated with Entertainment-social scores of

celebrity worship, a phenomenon associated with asynchronous video in which the

viewer develops a perceived attachment and strong interest in the on-screen actor (Maltby

et al., 2011), a construct that might have influenced the characteristic of dialogue within

the asynchronous video e-learning environment and one that might suggest a need to

expand the definition of dialogue to include perceived dialogue as a factor of

transactional distance. Such a construct would be supported by Theory of Mind precepts,

as an internal dialogue exists between the individual and the perceived mind of the other

in order to establish communication and to create a cognitive space for the other persona

(Harbers, Van den Bosch, & Meyer, 2012).

Rationale for Methodology

Research of personality typically follows one of three avenues: the examination of

individual differences, the examination of motivations, or holistic examination of the

individual (McAdams & Pals, 2007). The study of individual differences is based upon

trait study, which is a lexical categorization based upon factor analysis of the words’

applicability to individual tendencies (John & Srivastava, 1999). As a result, it is


appropriate to use quantitative methods to study traits, the categorization of which was

born of quantitative methods. Quantitative methods emerge from positivism, the concept

that every problem has a solution and that there is an interrelated cause and effect that can

be measured (Arghode, 2012). The governing epistemology of positivism is one in

which the detached observer seeks out a singular truth through cause and effect, or

through correlation and association, which was of interest to this study. The resulting

methodology analyzes the assumptions, principles, and procedures to seek out the

relationship of interest. Consequently, quantitative methods are appropriate for the

development and testing of hypotheses (Dobrovolny & Fuentes, 2008), for measuring

differences between variables and determining relationships between variables, and for

exploring phenomenon that are repeatable (Arghode, 2012).

Quantitative methods also provide a fixed standard against which the theory,

research question, hypotheses, and variables are measured and compared, providing a

series of theoretical and procedural benchmarks against which all similar research is

contrasted (Wallis, 2015). The nature of quantitative methods offers structure within

which the data is assembled for examination in an objective manner that is acceptable to

the research community. Such methodology contrasts with qualitative methodology,

which seeks to develop theory based upon an interpretation by an involved observer of

the phenomenon (Arghode, 2012).

The current study’s purpose was to measure the strength of the relationship

between each personality trait’s effect and transactional distance within the learning

environment, which suggested that the research utilize quantitative methodology. Several

characteristics of personality traits influenced methodology selection: Individual trait


dispositions were testable, the measurement of personality traits produced a value along a

continuous scale, and, although personality traits cannot be manipulated, sufficient

samples were taken to create a quasi-experimental approach. Instruments, such as the

Big Five Inventory (John, 2009), Myers Briggs Type Indicator (Furnham et al., 2003),

Trait Descriptive Adjectives (John & Srivastava, 1999), Saucier’s Mini-Markers (Dwight,

Cummings, & Glenar, 1998), and the revised NEO personality inventory (NEO-PI-R)

(Costa & McCrae, 1995) have been developed to measure the strength of personality

traits along each instrument’s respective axes. Previous research has shown that

transactional distance, which is measured using quantitative surveys (Chen, 2001;

Horzum, 2011; Huang, 2002; Sandoe, 2005), changes based upon differences in the

personality variable following experience within a specific learning environment (Al-

Dujaily et al., 2013; Bauer et al., 2012; Kickul & Kickul, 2006; Orvis et al., 2011). Each

of these characteristics fit the definition of a variable.

Quantitative research investigates psychological constructs through statistical

means. The design most suited to address the research questions and hypotheses for the

selected environment was correlational design (Jamison & Schuttler, 2015; Rumrill,

2004). Quantitative methodology and correlational design afforded the research the

opportunity to maintain an objective view and minimize observer bias (Trofimova, 2014),

while enumerating the strength of the relationship between the two variables.

Quantitative methods also afforded future researchers the opportunity to verify, enhance,

and expand the current research. Quantitative methods do not discover new variables as

qualitative methods would discover factors, nor do quantitative methods describe a

situation globally or holistically. Quantitative methods are limited to answering the


specific question around which the research was designed, which is demonstrated through

similar research including Kim (2013) and Bolliger and Erichsen (2013).

Nature of the Research Design for the Study

This study used a correlational design. The correlational design offered the

benefit of identifying associative relationships between variables and allowed the

researcher to measure relationship strength (Rumrill, 2004). Data collected from a

correlational study must meet the criteria that measurements of the variables must be

continuous in nature, which is true of FFM traits (John et al., 2008); and TD

measurements from the Structured Component Evaluation Tool (Sandoe, 2005).

Correlational design is also useful for non-experimental or quasi-experimental

environments in which the variables cannot be manipulated or controlled (Jamison &

Schuttler, 2015; Rumrill, 2004), which was the case with personality traits in this study.

It is also important to note that correlational designs do not attempt to identify causal

relationships; however, covariation is a necessary condition for causality.

The personality variables were FFM personality traits Openness,

Conscientiousness, Extroversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism, each of which was

investigated independently in relation to the learning outcome variable. These traits were

selected for examination based upon previous associations of personality traits with

learner interaction within the video environment, including two-way video distance

education (Barkhi & Brozovsky, 2003; Tsan & Day, 2007) and asynchronous video

discussion boards (Borup et al., 2013). Personality traits were measured using the Big

Five Inventory, which assigned a score for each trait, which was normalized to a range

from 0 to 100, with 50 representing the midpoint (John, 2009). Scores higher than the


midpoint represent the high dimension of the trait (e.g., extroversion), while scores lower

than the midpoint represent the lower dimensional trait (e.g., introversion). The bipolar

nature of each dimension puts forth that the further the score is from the midpoint, the

stronger the expression of that dimension. The present research design was based upon

Kim (2013) in which the researcher examined the relationship between personality traits

and academic outcomes, as well as the relationship between Kolb learning styles and

academic outcomes, following the learner’s completion of a blended e-learning and in-

class communications course.

The learning outcome variable was transactional distance, which represented the

perceived strength of the interaction between the learner and the learning environment.

TD is measured using the Structured Component Evaluation Tool (SCET) (Sandoe,

2005). SCET was developed to measure TD within e-learning environments that exhibit

high levels of structure, which was the case with an asynchronous e-learning

environment. SCET scores range from 0, which represents no perceived learner-

instructor pedagogical relationship, to 24, which represents a very strong learner-learning

environment relationship.

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