The civil war was perpetuated by the Souths feeling that the North was preventing its expansion







The civil war was perpetuated by the South’s feeling that the North was preventing its expansion. Slavery was the key driver of the territorial expansion of the south. The north won the war because it had a centralized authority that gave it power and influence. Although the Northerners hated the Southerners, the North pursued reconciliation because of various reasons. After freeing the slaves, a Freemen’s bureau was set up and the slaves were educated, given housing, vocational training and accorded citizenship for them to be able to vote. Lincoln pardoned the ex confederates because he wanted their support.

The black power was later suppressed through intimidation and lynching. Religious freedom gave them a basement to fight for their rights. The construction can be considered a success because the southerners were re integrated in the union and continued to participate actively in the economy through expansion to the west. It can also be considered a failure because freeing the slaves had far re aching effects on the economic, social and legal spheres of the country.

The government raised its concern about people expanding to the western states because it would imply that they owned them and this could have various implications on peaceful coexistence. With reference to Custer’s last stand, the American reaction to the western expansion implies that the country was exercising a high level of leniency and justice. Civilization introduced taxes and large scale livestock production. Improvement in transport and invention of refrigeration led to the collapse of livestock industry and profession. The expansion myth was inclined in the need to secure the future of the country. It was pioneered by the Native Americans and went beyond America. Its survival was sustained because it was mainstreamed in the social lives of the population and is based on the principles that justify White superiority.

Today’s mass media includes internet, radio, satellite technologies and cell phones. The west on the other hand was characterized by open wide spaces, cow boy culture and Indians, wilderness, brothels, desert, oasis and saloons. A primary source is one that is created by the actual time period under study and in some instances contains more information than a secondary source. A secondary document can be liked to a journalist, historian or any person interpreting the past through documentation. The modern day western can be equated to a detective story. The modern Indians and cowboys behave in similar ways and perpetuate the myth that they are bad guys. They make attacks without provocation. The film portrays women as passive, helpless and it implies that hey do not have power.

The film Dances with Wolves portrays the darker side and uses the stage coach to represent, destruction, negative connotations and degradation. This second movies is guided by political correctness that led to the emergence of an unofficial movement that introduced names such as Latin Americans and African Americans as opposed to Latinos and Africans respectively. Consolidation in this respect refers to merging together that culminates to a better end result. A revolution denotes a massive change that is usually military or political in nature. It can be likened to a 180 degree turn in which countries take drastic changes. A revolution requires a cheap and exploitable labor force that can not be lost easily. Apart from protecting civil liberties, lawyers and businessmen who founded the nation protected business, money and property ownership. Entrepreneurs establish businesses using investment capital. Large and foreign investments are however set up and run by the government because it has more capital than the individual.

Americans are creative and inventive people and this was the basement for industrial revolution. The industrial period did not have the managerial class as this could trigger sympathy and compromise the relative business. This led to creation of colleges that offered managerial courses that later resulted in creation of white and blue collar job categories. These labels were derived from the mode of dressing of different workers. The development of the railway enhanced accessibility to market and relative products and industrialization led to creation of distribution areas called hubs.

Expansion of the railway was influenced by the need to make profits from taxes. The rail road further influenced the development of towns, villages and states as they emerged along the same. The consolidation trend is like a snowball effect in which individuals concentrate a lot of power in order to eliminate possible competition. The biggest problem that America faces politically stems from the concept of special interest. Revolution always slows down as social and economic changes emerge.

Technological invention is a vital feature of revolution and has various implications on the populations. It improves lifestyles but has relative costs that are in most instances not addressed and a significant percentage of the population does not even know about the same. Technology also led to mass production of goods that then culminated in loss of individuality because of the urge to increase distribution. The current information and communication system has greatly undermined entertainment as individuals tend to pay more attention to the former. The current free market is characterized by consolidation, conditions and competition. Creation of consumers is important because of the characteristic cost of the product and because of the fact that there is more production than demand of the products. Advertisement plays a critical role of creating a demand where it was non existent.

Industrialization created good income and jobs that attracted the immigrant community to America. Assimilation is fundamental for success in any industry because individuals assume a similar culture. Gradually, global populations started to react to industrialization. Globalization is a world wide phenomenon that affects all individuals across the globe in different ways.

The industrial revolution also led to the emergence of various economic ideologies such as the great depression that then made populations to abandon conventional strategies and assume modern strategies to deal with the situation. It started in England and spread across the globe. Countries with sufficient natural resources have been able to continue associating with it. Economic impacts such as reduction in prizes of goods that are influenced by various market changes tend to oppress the workers. Historical ideologies such as communism and socialism also have flaws. Socialism perpetuates inequalities while communism lacks essential incentives.

Empires constitute way of life in civilization. A traditional example of a direct control empire is the British Empire. A direct control is usually more powerful than other forms of control because they have direct impacts on a countries culture and economics. Modern examples of direct control in America include the influence of McDonalds on nutrition. Modern direct control can be justified through various ways that include civilization, religion economics and social issues like racism. Founders of traditional empires such as Cecil Rhodes named the same after themselves and required the natives to contribute to their welfare.

Natives are subdued through weaponry and other benefits such as medicine. This was the conventional mode of control. Colonialism ideology gave the colonizers a chance to get involved in the welfare of the colonized states. They created policies as well as constitutions that gave them a direct connection to the affairs of their colonies. This gives the former power and influence over the later. Having influence in numerous countries has put America on the top of the social charts.

Ideal leaders and presidents often think in terms of progress. They assume the roles of fixing global concerns that other countries can not fix individually. In other words such countries assume responsibility and accountability for global events.

During the First World War, print media enabled the Americans to find out about the strategies that were being employed by the Germans. This was beneficial as it enabled America to make strategic attacks. The current media derives its roles from the traditional media as American watch dogs. They expose the national problems such as corruption and other forms of abuses. They provide vital information for use in a timely manner. Most Americans concern themselves with big businesses that attract huge profits. This is the American myth-to be always on the lead and attain the best out of the situation. However, media has also put the unity of the state at stake because of the gossip that perpetuates differences. The government has loosened its grip on the media and this is yielding negative implications. The media is faced with the challenge of promoting patriotism that is good for the country.

Promotion of punishment is an ideology that is currently encouraged by several states. The collapse of empires has led to the compromise of international democracy. Empires ate currently being created using the industrial revolution tools to subjugate global populations. The problem with the First World War was the characteristic entangling diplomacy and secret diplomacies that nobody knew about. If the then population could have known such secrets, it’s unlikely that they would have gone to war.

America the assumed a strictly business or government attitude and increasingly, people were venturing in big business. The Government formulated policies to support this economic trend. This was aloe referred to as a return to normalcy and it proceeded the era of the boom. Regulations and relative agencies were eliminated in order to foster production. However, this did not make the country achieve the ideal status that it wished to.

The population assumed a consumer driven trend and this actually marked the peak of business activities. The business concept also permeated the education circles and institutions of hither learning taught business courses. This led to assumption of mass culture and/or mass production that had adverse impacts on the labor. Relative ideologies such as communism were considered evil and labor was aligned along gender statuses.

Advertising ahs had various implications on the American culture and millions are spend in the industry. It perpetuates certain ideologies related to body image and shape. This started during the Victorian period and a modern woman was portrayed as being slim and beautiful while men emphasized on masculinity. This was an indication of social insecurity that was manifested through inclusion of sexual images in the advertisements. It is also called channeling desire and it seeks to persuade persons to reinvent and engage in recreational activities. From a theoretical basement, these advertisements trigger a sexual urge that the n makes the individuals to buy the products. This explains why sexually explicit images appear in product advertisements; creators focus on the condition f the consumer rather than the product.

Use of symbols in the Catholic Church is used to communicate various messages to the faithful that are associated with sacredness. The various values that are assumed by the youth define t heir behavior in different ways. The intrinsic labels that are associated with certain types of lifestyles are socially constructed.

The value of the stocks is determined by the supply and demand chain in the economy and the belief and faith of respective companies. American stock market is successful and healthier because of political stability. The brokerage makes money by getting commissions on stock and re investing the same in the market. Labor is the most critical cost to a company and if it faces a downfall, persons are laid off. This reduces the purchasing power of the laid off individuals and impacts on the quality of life of the same. This snow ball effect is responsible for the great depression. Governments influence the quality of life of their populations differently through formulation of policies. Ideologies such as socialism have a direct impact on the quality of people’s lives.

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