Struggles and barriers of civil rights activism
Date: 26th April, 2012
Struggles and barriers of civil rights activism
Racism in colleges and at places for example at Jackson, tells a lot about the situation and the difficulty that the civil rights activists. Places like Jackson were no –go zones for the blacks. For instance when Anne and her friend, Rose, a fellow student fromTougaloo decided to visit this place when they were on a shopping trip and an armed, they were attacked by a group of whites after Anne deciding to visit the Trailways bus depot for the white only. Were it not from a black minister who was informed in time, Anne and rose could have been killed. Apart of this there were several avenues where racism was exercised: at schools, hospitals, colleges and other social amenities.
Civil rights activists struggled against power. To them, they had noright to vote. Thus they were to be ruled. This simply means that all the rulers were of the same race. Due to this reason it was not easy to drive sense into them. Convincing them that even the blacks had their rights as human beings was a waste of time. They put their interests first not considering the lives of the other races. Due to the inability to access power, the means through which those in power could feel or rather listen to them was through protests and go-slows. However, these protests were counteracted by use of state machinery which sometimes caused death of the activists. We can get clear examples from the protests that NAACP could organise.
Moody recalls how unfair the world sometimes can be. She recalls her entire life at college. Following her humble background, we find that Ann could not go to schools of her choice. For instance she had to qualify for scholarship so that she could be admitted at Natchez. Were it not for her ability in basketball, she could not have been there. Through this we able to deduce one common factor that hindered civil rights activists movements. The fact that most civil rights activists were poor, they could not be in a position to access the quality of education that was being offered to their fellow white skinned people. Ann recalls how situation forced her to come back to Natchez due to her inability to support herself in the college of Tougaloo.
The civil rights activists really encountered problems in their struggles to realise these rights. Through the experience of and her life at large, civil rights activists were short of money and power to carry out their plans. This is clear from the efforts and desires that Ann depicts in her desire to be independent, she could not realize her goals simply because of her status in the society. Even when she joins Natchez College she realizes that the poor could not go to the colleges of their choice; those prestigious colleges were for the rich.
These activists had problems for their fellow dark-sinned betrayed them. There were those people who were opportunists and could not understand why the majority needed liberation. Thus they, just like the white men, put their interests first thus betraying the rest. As rewards, they could be given meagre benefits so that they could continue reporting. People thus suffered and some lost their lives. For instance, in the boycotts that the NAACP could organise, some of their people could still be traced and be punished.
In summary it would be better to acknowledge the roles civil rights activists played. It was not easy for the people such as Anne to disobey the love she had for her mother in that despite the fact that her mum was against her being an activist she decided to be one. It called for sacrifice. The letter that her mum sent with drops of dried tears depicts how her mother loved her.
Despite all that, it also comes out clearly that racism and hatred were the roots of all these evils. If racism could not have existed then all these could not have existed.