Sonny Ericson laptops marketing
Sonny Ericson laptops marketing
In the field of technology, electronic products are many and people like their own brands. For instance, their exists many brands of laptops in the market but I like sonny Ericson brands and believe that many people should be using sonny Ericson laptops because of their high quality and durability.
As a marketer who want many people to use my brand of laptops I will develop a strategy that will enable me convince many customers to be buying and using sonny Ericson laptops. I will use the following strategy to reposition the product and increase its sale;
Positioning strategy: many brands of laptops exist in the market that compete sonny Ericson brand. Therefore, in my marketing I need to position my brand so that it stands out from the completion for people to want to buy it. One way of positioning my brand is to plot it against customer survey data on a perpetual map. A perpetual map is a two-dimensional graph that shows the visual position of the product relative to competitors based on the criteria important to buyers (Leon & Leslie, 2010). The customer criteria involve, price, quality and level of customer service associated with the product.
Another strategy is to use of a tagline to position the product in the mind of the customers. A tag line like “sonny Ericson laptop gives you a world of fantasy” will draw buyers to the product. Another strategy is repositioning the product in the mind of buyers by using a new approach of marketing. Mass marketing can serve better when repositioning. (2009) provides that concentrated marketing is a vital marketing strategy for the product where every select customer group is targeted. In addition, niche-marketing strategy where a select group of customers is targeted can improve the sale of my product (Leon & Leslie, 2010)… Targeting higher education students can be a good strategy for sonny Ericson laptops sale.
Micro targeting which involves isolation of markets and targeting them separately will work well (Leon & Leslie, 2010). Each market is treated differently depending on their ability to buy the product. Lastly, multi-segment marketing strategy is essential for it will give me an opportunity to respond to different demography’s and other changes in the market. Anew generation of youth want quality products of which sonny Ericson is one.
“Niche Marketing,”, HYPERLINK “”
Leon, S. and Leslie, K., (2010).Consumer Behavior, 10th ed. (Upper Saddle River, NJ: PrenticeHall, 80
“Principles of marketing” HYPERLINK “”