Social Class and Classism





Social Class and Classism

Chapter 7 is about classifications in the society based on varying factors that determine the groupings. The author is keen on identifying the different classifications in the society and the different factors that encourage their formation. The information provided runs through different social structures, for example, in India and those in the United States. It is notable that each social structure has the supporting factors that lead to their formation, for example, total earnings per annum. The chapter lets the readers recognize the meaning of socioeconomic status, which is about the measures surrounding the determination of class in the society, for example, poverty and wealth are major determinants. Classism is also elaborated in this chapter where it is explained as the discriminatory beliefs that separate different people in the society.

The United States is a country presented in chapter 7 as a nation with equal opportunities. In turn, everyone has an equal opportunity and if people work hard, they can achieve their dreams. However, on further reading of the chapter, it is clear that several factors make United States seem different. The affecting factors that make the United States a nation of inequality include career opportunities, employment benefits and salaries. In turn, this makes the country a society that regards class and is affected by various factors.

Chapter 7 is a knowledgeable part of the book and its essence is connected to various sociology theories, for example, classism, racism and ethnocentrism. These theories all affect the various social classes in the society. It is notable that the chapter is thorough in providing data that supports the claims and sheds light on the reality within the United States. For quite a while, the US has been perceived as a country without class, but on further scrutiny using the available data, it is clear that the reality is different from the prevailing perception.

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