Reflective Statement

Reflective Statement

Cullen Strady

Florida State University

ENC 2135: Research, Genre, and Context

Andrew Zolot

July 27, 2022

Reflective Statement

Taking the Research, Genre, and Context course has been instrumental in sharpening my writing and analysis skills. The six weeks of rigorous reading, writing, discussion, and analysis of concepts, artifacts, and genres within my discourse community have taught me numerous lessons. Specifically, I have several takeaways concerning selecting and composing genres, analyzing related artifacts using rhetorical techniques and strategies, and developing polished works to inform discourses in my discipline in entrepreneurship.

I joined the course with minimal skills and knowledge of creating and analyzing different genres. Indeed, my understanding of genre types and associated composition conventions and rhetorical moments was also limited. However, the course has amplified my skills in creating genres, analyzing artifacts as rhetorical situations, and developing own genres reflecting these rhetorical abilities. For instance, I now know that the rhetorical situation of a given genre establishes the significant factors and aspects of a particular media and how it speaks to the audience for which it is targeted. Following the completion of the four principal projects and the affiliate assignments and discussion forums, I now have a better comprehension of making connections between research in my discipline, the respective genres, and different contexts wherein these research and genres apply.

Through Project 1, I honed and built my research abilities significantly. Completing the investigative field essay necessitated doing ample research and inquiry regarding the role of gender in entrepreneurial leadership discourses. This began with finding and searching materials relevant to my topic and creating an annotated bibliography. Although that was not my first annotated bibliography to draft, I have a vital takeaway in annotating sources for his project. This lesson is about adopting and choosing sources based on the degree to which they talk to or interact with each other in an ongoing conversation about the chosen topic. Essentially, Project 1 was my first opportunity to join this conversation and contribute meaningful perspectives about gender roles in entrepreneurship.

Project 2 was my favorite, explaining why I chose to polish and revise it for the e-portfolio. Through this project, I better comprehended the concepts of exigence, context, and genre conventions as they apply to the artifacts analyzed. My analysis allowed me to communicate rigorously on the rhetorical situation pertinent to my chosen topic. Further, I gained new and valuable insights into establishing purposes, audiences, styles, designs, mediums, and other aspects of artifacts as I analyzed how they conversed with each other. I admit the project allowed me to augment my understanding of using rhetorical appeals and communicating in a professional tone. My critical thinking skills and creativity also improved via this project.

When developing Project 3, I learned how to leverage rhetorical appeals and rhetorical rationale techniques studied and understood from the previous project. I found this project a little bit challenging but eventually, I completed it successfully, especially after gaining improvement tips from the peer reviews on how to make changes to my multiple genres and rhetorical rationale. This project necessitated applying rhetorical analysis skills to my genres, and working on it allowed me to hone my analytical skills in appraising how effectively I can develop credible genres.

In summary, I affirm the importance of this course in shaping and enriching my research, analysis, creative, and writing aptitudes. I now have a profound understanding of what goes into creating artifacts and genres that comminute effectively to different audiences. I owe gratitude to the instructor for providing the instructions, materials, directives, and guidance that were imperative in attaining these endeavors exceptionally.

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