problems usually associated with traditional shopping
Professor’s Name
Central Focus
There are a number of problems usually associated with traditional shopping. These problems include the pricing of goods (usually high), the inconvenience that comes with traditional shopping as well as the hassle that usually accompanies attempts at comparing prices. The research paper will attempt to explore the concept of online shopping as a plausible and fitting solution to these problems typically associated with traditional shopping. In particular, the research will focus on how e-bay has improved on problems previously associated with traditional shopping.
Parts Related to the Whole
The first step towards the research will be to review literature that highlights the various disadvantages of traditional shopping. This will then be followed by a brief description of the origins of online shopping, as well as an overview of the reasons that stimulated the creation of online shopping. Finally, the introduction will be completed by an explanation of how the internet has not only revolutionized life in general, but has led to a whole new approach to shopping. The concluding sentence in the introduction will be “e-bay and online shopping in general has helped solve a number of problems associated with traditional shopping, including questions of price, convenience and comparison of prices.” The subsequent section will contain a literature review, including review of literature on traditional shopping, as well as literature focusing on the rise of online trading. The final part of the literature review will focus on studies that demonstrate how e-bay and by extension online shopping has helped solve the issues initially associated with traditional shopping. The final part of the paper will serve to reassert that online shopping is indeed a plausible solution to problems previously faced when carrying out shopping traditionally.
Literature Review
Mclaughlin Edward. The dynamics of fresh fruit and vegetable pricing in the supermarketchannel. Preventive Medicine 39.2(2004): 81-87. Web.
Mclaughlin (81) in exploring factors that usually affect the pricing of fresh fruit, highlights a number of factors, such as market channels, promotion impacts, market structure changes, pricing techniques, the price versus value, and responses to supply changes. Of particular importance will be the distribution channels, and promotional impacts, as these signify some of the reasons why prices are higher in traditional trading.
Similar articles will also be used to highlight other factors such as the manner with which traditional shopping inconveniences shoppers, as well as how it leads to greater difficulties when it comes to price comparisons.
Sanjay, Jam, and Manika, Jam. Exploring Impact of Consumer and Product Characteristics on ECommerce Adoption: A Study of Consumers in India. Journal of Technology Managementfor Growing Economies 2.2 (2011): 35-64. Web.
Sanjay and Manika (36) explore the reasons why consumers in India usually opt to adopt online shopping, focusing specifically on product as well as consumer characteristics. The researchers found that some of the key reasons that affect a consumer’s likelihood of shopping online usually include past online shopping experiences and frequency, education, product price, as well as the type of product. Seemingly consumers prefer to purchase products that have an intangible value through the internet, rather than products commonly purchased. This study, as well as similar ones will be used to establish reasons for the rise of online shopping as well as provide more information on the rise of eBay.
Haubl, Gerald and Trifts, Valerie. Consumer Decision Making in Online ShoppingEnvironments: The Effects of Interactive Decision Aids. Marketing Science19.1(2000): 4-21. Web.
Haubl and Trifts (6), explore consumer behavior when engaging in online shopping, more so when it comes to product choice, and find that interactive tools available to online shoppers enable them to carry out product comparisons effectively hence enhance the shopping experience. Similar studies that highlight price differences between traditional shopping, convenience and product comparisons will also be used to further highlight why consumers are increasingly turning to online shopping.
Other Sources that will be used include:
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