Problem Analysis Triangle
Problem Analysis Triangle
Most theories in criminology focus on the factors that drive people to be “criminal”. The theories posit several causes including poor child rearing techniques, genetics, and social or psychological processes. It is hard to test the viability of these theories, and they, therefore, lead to the development of ambiguous implications on policies that are beyond the practice of the police. However, concepts and theories of criminology are essential in everyday police activities because they address the immediate causes of crimes. Criminology concepts and theories can essentially help in analyzing suspects’ opportunities and temptations as well as the situation of the targets. Gaining knowledge of concepts such as the problem analysis triangle may make one a stronger member of a criminology’s problem-oriented team.
Routine activity theory is the impetus behind problem analysis triangle, also referred to as the crime triangle. Formulated by Felson and Cohen, the theory posits that predatory crime happens when a suitable target and a possible offender meet at the right place and time, in the absence of a capable guardian. The theory takes the presence of likely wrongdoer for granted, as normal selfishness and human greed are enough elucidations of the general criminal incentives. The formulation does not differentiate between an inanimate target and a human victim since both can satisfy an offender’s purpose. In addition, it considers a capable guardian as either security devices or human actors. The problem analysis triangle follows this formulation and has an offender represented by three sides, the location, the victim, and place.
The problem analysis triangle is useful to the police and acts as a basis for solving crime problems. Understanding the triangle and the impact of opportunities in creating problems might help in various ways. It might help in preventing offenders from recommitting a crime, help victims to avoid being targets, and to shift places where crimes take place. This is so because analysts can know how to reschedule guardians to prevent crimes. Apart from that, the triangle gives important information before and after crimes helping in making important considerations to improve security. This method of analysis helps in focusing data collection on the main aspects that will lead to finding practical solutions.