

Please use only peer reviewed articles/books for the last 5 years, must have a summery.

  • Explain group’s processes and stage of formation as it pertains to psychotherapy.
  • Explain curative factors that can occur in a group setting. Include how these factors might impact client progress.
  • Recommend strategies for managing the conflict. Support your recommendations with evidence-based literature.


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just 1 page on each question

Qustion #1 what is best  psychotherapy for gender dysphoria ?

Question #2 What is the best psychotherapy for erectile dysfunction?


no cover, no running head, no intro, just question answered


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  • Select one of the personality disorders from the DSM-5.


Provide a description of the personality disorder selected. Explain a therapeutic approach (including psychotropic medications if appropriate) one might use to treat a client presenting with this disorder, including how you would share your diagnosis of this disorder to the client in order to avoid damaging the therapeutic relationship. Support your approach with evidence-based literature. All references need to be peer-reviewed, current, within the last 5 years.


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Provide one alternative therapeutic approach to the following. Explain why you suggest this alternative and support your suggestion with evidence-based literature. (Not sure it attached)

Treatment Plan for the older adult-Initial post

This 69 y/o AA male, widowed, has one child and six grandchildren. He was self-referred with depression and anxiety after encouragement by son. His father, who he describes as his support, is dying. He doesn’t enjoy being with his family and doesn’t do volunteer work anymore. His physical complaints are insomnia and feeling tired. This year he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. He has a history of anxiety treatment, denial of the illness’s severity, and end-of-life issues associated with this diagnosis. Currently, his symptomology is guilt and rumination consistent with depression. Also, he is taking a benzodiazepine for several years for anxiety. He took Effexor, Prozac, Lexapro, and duloxetine in the past, and he reported that they were ineffective. Only his mother had a mental health history, depression. The information given to the student states there are no cognitive or physical deficits. His current medical history includes GERD, obesity, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia, but there are no medications for treating these disorders.

Diagnosis: GAD with a comorbidity of Adjustment Disorder with mixed anxiety and depressed mood.

This patient apparently has some kind of anxiety disorder. He may have developed GAD from improperly treated separation anxiety disorder or adjustment disorder with mixed anxiety and depressed mood. This patient lost his wife and is retired. He was prescribed Effexor, Prozac, Zoloft, Lexapro, and Duloxetine but is still taking Lorazepam for several years. According to Wheeler, the elderly with mental health issues, who go to a primary care setting for medical care, are often misdiagnosed or undertreated for these problems (2014).

His GAD and Adjustment Disorder have exacerbated because he was not only diagnosed with prostate cancer this year, but he also has recently learned his father is dying, who he describes as his support system. His symptoms for GAD are anxiety for several years and recently have increased fatigue and sleep disturbances. His anxiety is causing impairment in social and other important areas of functioning. He doesn’t enjoy being with his family, and he doesn’t do volunteer work anymore. His symptoms for Adjustment disorder with mixed anxiety and depressed mood are the development of emotional and behavioral symptoms in response to his recent prostate cancer diagnosis and knowledge of his father’s impending death. The symptoms are a significant impairment in social and other important areas of functioning. He complains of feeling tired, doesn’t enjoy being with his family, and doesn’t do volunteer work anymore. Also, he fears losing his father. He has expressed that he has anxiety and depression.

DSM-V Coding for diagnosis

1) GAD: 300.02

Differential Diagnosis:

1) Anxiety disorder due to anther medical condition

2) Depressive Disorder

2) Adjustment Disorder with mixed anxiety and depressed mood: 309.28 (F43.23).

This adjustment disorder may be acute versus persistent. The acute diagnosis is because of the client’s recent learning that his father will soon be dying. This current knowledge and encouragement by his son caused this client to seek help, not the one-year-old diagnosis of prostate cancer.

Differential Diagnosis:

1) Normative stress reactions

What tests or tools should be considered to help identify the correct diagnosis?

Diagnostic Tests

1) Blood test: TSH, T4 and T3C to rule out hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism which could cause anxiety or depressive symptoms (, n. d-1.), (, n. d-2).

2) Liver functions test: Hepatic disease can affect the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of many antidepressants and anxiolytic medications (Telles-Correia, D., et al., 2017).

3) EKG-To get a baseline reading of the electro conductivity of the heart because some antidepressants can prolong the conductivity of the heart (, n. d-2.).

4) To assess my patient’s functional status before and after treatment, I would use the following clinical rating scales:

Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF), Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), Geriatric Anxiety Inventory (GAI), Interpersonal Relationship Inventory (IPRI), Brief Resilient Coping Scale, and Quality of Life Scale (QOL). The Overt Aggression Scale-Modified (OAS-M), and the WHO Spirituality, Religiousness and Personal Beliefs (SRPS) would be done before treatment has started (, n. d.), (Wheeler, K. 2014).

What Treatment Strategy would you recommend?

I would recommend a holistic, multidisciplinary treatment plan that includes psychiatric services and medical services for medical problems, social services for social problems for this client, and psychiatric and social services for the caregivers. According to Wheeler, understanding an individual, their family, and their systemic issues collectively improves psychotherapy outcomes for older adults with mental health issues. Also, collaboration with other services is EBPs for more successful and long-lasting therapy outcomes with older adults (2014).

What treatment would you prescribe and what is the rationale?

According to Wheeler, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), relaxation training, interpersonal psychotherapy (ITP), reminiscence therapy (RT), and life review therapy (LRT) are evidenced-based, best treatments (EBTs) for this client (2014).


According to Wheeler, suicide risk factors include depression, loss of loved one, social isolation and loneliness, physical illness, and fear of a long illness, all of which this patient has. Also, anxiety, not treated, can negatively impact current functioning and life and increase depression and suicide risk. The severity of the anxiety positively correlates with the risk of suicide for this patient. To decrease suicidal risk factors, treatment recommendations for the APPN must include helping this client with the relief of these symptoms, helping him with his complex grief, finding meaning in his life, and maintaining his social connections (2014).


For this client, I would wean this patient off the benzodiazepine and start him on vortioxetine. According to findings by Crocco, E. A., antidepressants are considered the first line treatment for anxiety disorders in the elderly. This new, well tolerated, antidepressant with anxiolytic effects is a serotonin modulator and stimulator. It enhances serotonin activity, and increases norepinephrine and dopamine, which causes improvements in cognition, and in depressive disorders. Other SSRIs and SNRIs, although effective, have increase adverse effects on the elderly such as hepatotoxicity, drug-drug interactions and increased endocrine and cardiac risks. In comparison, Benzodiazepines are recommended for short term and as adjunctive treatment with antidepressants. Because they can lead to falls and cognitive impairment in the elderly, their use should be avoided (2017).


According to Wheeler, individual psychotherapy is effective when the therapies are adapted to meet the physical and cognitive requirements of the client (2014). From the information given, this client has high levels of physical and cognitive functioning. Therefore his therapy would focus on strengthening his coping strategies and promotion of meaningful activities, social engagement and social support.


According to Wheeler, repeated discussions and written materials are recommended for elderly clients. Also, because older client are not as comfortable with psychotherapy, education on psychotherapy, the therapeutic process, conduct in the therapy session, the number and cost of the therapy sessions, projected outcomes from therapy, and information to support informed decision making and confidentiality are recommended. This education will not only aid in the development of the therapeutic relationship, but it will also normalize the therapy process. This normalization will assist the therapist and client with problems in living, goal and priority setting for therapy (2014).

What standard guidelines would you use to treat or assess this patient?

For this client, I would use the American Psychiatric Association practice guidelines for the psychiatric evaluation of adults and clinical practice guidelines for treatment of GAD and Depression (, n. d-1.), (, n. d-2). This client’s psychiatric symptoms, trauma history, psychiatric treatment history, substance use, suicide risk, medical health, were reviewed and that information was documented. Aggressive behaviors, cultural factors, quantitative assessment, (ie, qualitative measures of symptoms, level of functioning and quality of life), involvement of the patient in treatment decision making would need to be done with the tools previously mentioned to assess functioning. In compliance with the APA guidelines, a review of all available evidence will be done so that selection of an appropriate treatment will be made by the therapist and patient.

Clinical Note: Is depression a normal part of aging?

Depression is not a natural aspect of aging. Wheeler reported that according to the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance, because elderly patients with mental health issues commonly use the primary care setting for treatment, mood disorders are under-recognized, inadequately treated and underserviced. Because this depression in the elderly population is under-recognition and inadequately treated, it worsens and leads to decreases in cognitive function, functional impairment, poorer well-being and increased risk of completed suicides and death (2014). Therefore appropriate diagnosis and timely treatment is critical.

Treatments for Depression and Anxiety

This client has mild to moderate depression. EBPs include Individual Psychotherapy, CBT, RT, LRT, problem-solving therapy, IPT, and antidepressant medications. According to Wheeler, CBT and RT are reported to prevent depression in the elderly, who are at risk for depression, bereavement, and sleep disturbances. Also, CBTs, such as learning cognitive skills to change negative thinking, social skills to improve problem-solving communication, homework, which includes weekly activity schedules and journaling, along with motivation interviewing techniques to help the elderly patient overcome reluctance to do homework are all EBPs for treating anxiety. Also, modular interventions, such as exposure in vivo, relaxation therapies, mindfulness training, has been proven to be effective treatments for individuals, who don’t want medication for the treatment of anxiety. Also, these treatments are the first in treatment for depression. Also, RT is especially effective for late in life anxiety. Also, IPT, which is important for reflection and resolution of roles and relationships, with a focus on social relationships is a good choice of therapy for individuals, who are cognitively intact with mild to moderate depression, and anxiety associated with loss, grief, and interpersonal conflicts. RT and LRT are effective in treating depression and anxiety. It is the process of recalling their life and events, and in the process of talking about their lives, the clients come to an understanding of who they are as a whole person. Finally, pharmacotherapy appears to be effective for treating depression and anxiety. Medication with IPT is especially effective in treating recurrent major depression.

                To offer a holistic, multidisciplinary approach to treating this client’s depression and anxiety, in addition to the above therapies, life style management, self-care management, spiritual support, all which increase wisdom and resiliency, and community services, such as outreach and peer support groups, are encouraged to promote mental health, according to the finding of the MacArthur Study of Successful Aging reported by Wheeler (2014). Also to assist this client with achieving Gerotranscendenc and the development task of integrity versus despair, developed by Erikson’s wife and Erikson respectfully, encouragement of personal growth and development through travel, and engaging in friendships and hobbies that have been neglected are recommended to enhance the quality of life and improve the well being of your client (Wheeler, 2014).

To further provide a holistic, multidisciplinary approach for this patient, family and caregiver support group therapy can be offered to decrease the mental and emotional stress of caring for the older adult on the family. Social services for the family can be offered to decrease the physical and financial stress that caregivers face. Therapy goals for the caregivers would include education, specific problems-solving skills, resource acquisition, long-range planning, emotional support, respite care (Wheeler, 2014).

Finally, termination of psychotherapy will occur with a mutual decision between the APPN and the client, and when the therapy goals are attained. It is recommended that the criteria for termination be discussed early in the therapy session. Identification of options to encourage resiliency, self-care management, and contingency plans, based on what was learned in therapy are discussed in later therapy sessions. Termination also enhances a positive psychotherapy experience for the client and therapist because it fosters a sense of reciprocity, sharing and completion (Wheeler, 2014).



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Provide one alternative therapeutic approach to the following. Explain why you suggest this alternative and support your suggestion with evidence-based literature. (Not sure it attached)


Treatment plan for Older Adult

The older adult (65+) not only has unique physical needs, but many have unique mental health needs as well.  These needs center around the 8th and final psychosocial stage of life, Erickson’s integrity vs despair in which the patient is reflecting upon their life goals and individual relationship with death (Wheeler, 2014).  During this stage approximately 20 percent of adults are faced with mental health disorders on top of natural aging and it is necessary for the PMHNP to be able to not only identify but consider the appropriateness of various therapeutic approaches (Krishnamoorthy et al., 2020).

In the case of this patient, 69 yr old, self-referral with CC of “I need help with depression and anxiety”. 

  • Which diagnosis should be considered?

1-Major Depressive Disorder – according to the DSM-5 [F-33.1] Major Depressive Disorder, persistent, recurrent episode is characterized by the client describing themselves as depressed, loss of interest, appetite change, sleep disturbance, psychomotor changes such as change in movement being slow and slow thought process (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). 

2-Generalized anxiety disorder – according to the DSM-5 [F41.1] GAD is characterized by 3 of the following:  excessive anxiety and worry that is more days then not for a period of 6 months that is difficult to control with sleep disturbances, irritability, muscle tension, restlessness, easily fatigued, and / or difficulty concentrating (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). 


  • What is the DSM-V Coding for the diagnosis you are considering?

[F41.1] GAD

[F-33.1] Major Depressive Disorder, persistent, recurrent episode

  • What is your rationale for the diagnosis? Be sure and link the client’s signs and symptoms to the DSM-V diagnostic criteria to support your diagnosis.


Patient states in his own words:

  • “I need help with depression and anxiety”.
  • Examination: Thought processes:  evidence of guilt and rumination consistent with depressive symptomatology.
  • “experiencing worsening of depression and anxiety symptoms over the past few months”
  • Lack of interest and motivation in things that once brought him joy:
  • not enjoy being with his family, reports feeling like he is “moving in slow motion.”, reports feeling tired all the time, also stopped going to his volunteer job at the nursing home
  • his mother had depression

For GAD:

  • currently prescribed Lorazepam 1 mg BID by his PCP which he has been taking for several years
  • He received psychotherapy at that time which focused on his anxiety about the diagnosis, his denial of its severity, his wish to “not know what he knew,” and, ultimately, end-of-life issues
  • is highly anxious and expresses thoughts of sadness, frustration. He is preoccupied with thoughts about the anticipated loss of his father.


  • What tests or tools should be considered to help identify the correct diagnosis?

Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) which has a higher sensitivity and specificity for screening of depression among the elderly (Lehfeld & Stemmler, 2019). 

To assess the client for a mild neurocognitive disorder for a differential diagnosis ,  the SKT (Syndrom-Kurztest) test could be administered that is a short cognitive performance test to assess deficits of memory and attention specifically for those clients in early cognitive decline and over the age of 60 (Lehfeld & Stemmler, 2019)

GAD scale – to measure the amount or intensity of stress and anxiety (Creighton et al., 2018). 

  • What differential diagnosis should be considered?


1-Adjustment Disorder with mixed anxiety and depressed mood [F43.23] patient was diagnosed and treated for prostate cancer this year- per DSM-5 this is an identifiable stressor that can be single in nature or multiple stressors such as illness, relationship, crime, or even job related (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). 

 2-Mild Neurocognitive Disorder due to Alzheimer Disorder [G30.9] -Slightly unsteady gait uses walker, recently had trouble concentrating while reading,

3-Treatment resistant depression as suggested by two or more unsuccessful attempts to treat depression:

patient described either a partial or negative response from several medications he had been prescribed from his primary care provider (PCP) over the course of a several years, including Effexor, Prozac, Zoloft Lexapro and Duloxetine

4- Insomnia Disorder [F51.01] As patient states he can not stay asleep and therefore is tired during the day and naps frequently. 

  • What Treatment Strategy would you recommend?

Gene Site testing as pharmacogenetic testing has shown a reduction in relapse in depression by narrowing in on appropriate medication and dosage for patients (Ramsey & Griffin, 2016). 

Cognitive behavioral therapy and medication management with an SSRI and continue the Ativan for anxiety, along with physical therapy to meet the individual needs of the patient for an optimum patient adherence. 

  • What treatment would you prescribe and what is the rationale?

Cognitive behavioral therapy remains the gold standard for those with major depressive disorder while  other psychotherapies have been shown to be effective with older adults with few modifications from an original  practice frameworks, however, when modifications are needed, they are individualized for the physical and cognitive impairments of an older adult (Wheeler, 2014). Best practice evidence shows that including longer sessions or extended treatment of individual therapy may help positively impact the outcomes of therapy.

  • Safety -Assess for harm to self or others by asking patient if he has thoughts of suicide or homicidal ideations as depression increases thoughts of suicide and attempts (Kang et al., 2018).  Make sure patient has a contact person to reach out to in time of need and the suicide hotline number as well as office number. 
  • Psychopharmacology SSRI is the first line of medication treatment choice for depression, continue Ativan for anxiety as patient has been on.  Consider sleep med for insomnia
  • Diagnostic Tests:

Routine lab for cbc and electrolytes along with thyroid function to rule out any medical underlying disorders

Psychotherapy– Cognitive behavioral therapy


Call for increased symptoms of depression or anxiety or side effects of medication, keep all appointments for follow up and take medications as directed. 

  • What standard guidelines would you use to treat or assess this patient? Standard guidelines are for SSRI medications and CBT.
  • Clinical Note: Is depression a normal part of aging? No, depression is not a normal part of aging, but life stressors can lead to depression along with a decrease in autonomy and daily quality of life that can come with aging (Wheeler, 2014). 



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For some reason it does not show if it actually attached or not??

 Provide feedback based on an existential-humanistic therapeutic perspective. Support your feedback with evidence-based literature from within the last 5 years.

Interpersonal Therapy

             As a future psychiatric nurse practitioner, interpersonal therapy (IPT) is the most appealing due to the time limitations I will have as a clinician and how it is structured. IPT involves the therapist identifying a target diagnosis and giving the client a “sick role” in which the client understands this is temporary and recognizes the social environment is what is keeping the client from fully functioning (Markowitz, & Weissman, 2004). Identifying the target diagnosis can be a challenge.

            Jennifer is a 25-year-old registered nurse that currently has taken an RN role on the COVID-19 units. Going into the 4th week of being on a unit that is not her original floor she is struggling with loneliness and has felt unmotivated and isolated. She understands that this role will only be until the end of the year, but the feelings of isolation are started to become overwhelming, and is feeling less fulfilled with her job since this a virus that there is no cure yet to be found. IPT would be ideal for her since her symptoms are coming from her temporary role, and she needs a plan of action for what she can do in the meantime with her commitment to the COVID-19 floor until the year is over. This approach is focused on her real life, not internal or that from the past.

Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapy:

            Existential therapy, which Victor Frankl helped shaped into meaning therapy, embraces the idea that people have the freedom to choose their attitude in their given circumstances and it helps to reveal its meaning (Wheeler, 2013). IPT and existential therapy both do not focus on the past, they focus on the present , and while existential goes one step further and also includes the future.

            Mark is a 36-year-old newly diagnosed pancreatic cancer patient. Mark is also a husband of 5 years and is a father to a 2-year-old son and a 6-month-old daughter. One study reveals that both meaning and existential psychotherapeutic interventions would benefit the cancer patient so they could have a dual focus and also trust their intuition (Vos, 2015). This approach does have the challenge of the unforeseeable treatment time but is beneficial because the client is able to seek internal and external resources.




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I don’t know if it attached

Provide feedback on the below assay based on an existential-humanistic therapeutic perspective. Support your feedback with evidence-based literature that is no older than 5 years.



Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) which is a psychotherapeutic form geared towards teaching and reinforcing positive behaviors as well as eliminating various maladaptive responses to daily stressors. CBT attempts to identify cognitive patterns of thoughts or emotions that can be linked with specific behaviors allowing an individual to gradually alter these processes yielding psychological relief. CBT has been seen to focus on the “here” and “now” of problems that arise in day-to-day living where individuals assess their perceptions of their environment alongside the specific emotional or behavioral outcomes of these perceptions. Existential-humanistic therapy revolves around self-development and optimization of one’s performance by making them realize their inner instinctive capabilities (Miller, 2020). A person receiving Existential humanistic Therapy (EHT) should focus on their inner drives which could lead to self-actualization and the identification of various hierarchical needs that require attention. Humanistic therapy is termed holistic as it tends to explain people’s separate acts in terms of their entire personalities and relies on the physiologic human need of receiving unconditional positive regard from those close to us (Miller, 2020). Maslow’s hierarchy of basic needs is commonly utilized in Existential Human therapy when attempting to group the various client needs based on their specific level of urgency and relevance. Humanistic therapy is indicated in the management of short-term substance abuse and various adjustment disorders. Like all models of therapy, various negative criticisms have been put across against EHT. The therapeutic model lacks a scientific rationale and is more philosophy oriented. In addition, humanistic therapy is seen to sideline the role society plays in modeling the personality of an individual.

On the other hand, Cognitive behavioral therapy is a combination of two therapeutic forms namely; cognitive therapy and behavioral therapy. Cognitive therapy is geared towards the alteration of an individual’s thought process with regards to the presenting issues causing concern. Negative and unwanted thoughts can result in self-destructive feelings as well as behaviors hence the role of the cognitive portion in CBT. Moreover, the behavioral aspect of CBT is aimed at the inculcation of a particular skill set that gradually alters the individual’s maladaptive behaviors as evidenced by the various psychiatric disorders manageable by CBT such as depressive or anxiety disorders (Hope et al., 2019). It is important to note that CBT is often time-limited, problem-focused and goal oriented with a therapeutic patient-practitioner relationship being established for optimal outcome. Like EHT, CBT is subject to negative criticism. The therapeutic model can lead to temporary depressive or stress symptoms that may occur following the exploration of specific emotionally painful aspects of the patient’s life as part of CBT. Patient’s may get upset or angered resulting in skewed therapeutic delivery. 

Below are two case descriptions of individuals receiving these two forms of therapy with explanations of the therapeutic models’ relevance in practice;

Patient 1-Receiving EHT

Patient HN is a 32-year-old African American Male from Maryland who came in complaining of low moods, mild anxiety like symptoms and difficulty connecting with others. He states that he has been postponing numerous house chores and work activities giving a number of vague reasons for the undone activities. He states that he left school in the middle of his 4-year Engineering program and started an online business that hasn’t been thriving as good as he’d hoped. He claims that he feels like his will has atrophied over the years with excessive periods of uncertainty about his direction in life. He was married for 4 years but filled for a divorce 3 months ago. HN states that he hasn’t gotten to filing the appropriate paper work pertinent to his divorce. He currently lives alone and has no desire to get children. He denies any suicidal ideations, history of trauma or substance abuse. He states that he has gained weight and attributed it to less physical activity and mid-night snacking which often occurs when he is stressed. HN hardly maintains eye contact and has an unremarkable mental status examination.

Patient HN may be exhibiting a mild depressive episode which may result in feelings of sadness, hopelessness and self-loath. Decreased energy output and alienation from close friends are key features of the episode. HX can greatly benefit from the use of existential humanistic therapy in the formulation of an appropriate patient-focused treatment plan. EHT allows the patient to identify the various needs that require addressing in his life in order for psychologic physiologic balance to be attained (Rubin et al., 2019). HN’s needs range from work needs to lifestyle adjustment needs which can be gradually addressed with the order of their hierarchy. Motivational support and self-esteem improvement take prescience in the patient’s management followed by formulation of an appropriate time-oriented schedule that is applicable to the client for the most optimal results. EHT is able to re-engage the will of the client so as to fully eliminate their psychological limitations commonly exhibited by most individuals.

Patient 2- Receiving CBT

Client JX is a 36-year-old Afghanistan war veteran Caucasian male from Maryland who has been exhibiting symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) for over 3 years now. He was referred to the facility from the veteran’s hospital for repetitive symptoms of excessive intrusive flashbacks of the battlefield that extend to vivid nightmares associated with somnambulism and somniloquy. He currently lives alone and reports turning to alcohol on a daily basis to help assuage his symptoms. JX reports that he was a leader of a particular convoy in the Afghani war where he did countable tours there. However, on a particular fateful day the patient was leading their convoy into enemy territory when their truck broke down and had to wait for their allies. As their allies approached them, multiple rocket powered grenades were launched towards them leaving only 4 survivors out of 22 troops. The patient reports having nightmares where he is constantly trying to fix the truck’s engine on time but eventually has the same outcome which makes him wake up sweating, having palpitations and shouting to an extent of waking up his neighbors.  A diagnosis of post-traumatic stress is pertinent with the patient warrantying psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy as possible management modalities for JX. Cognitive behavioral therapy is highly beneficial in the management of PTSD as the therapeutic model is capable of influencing trauma-based memories in a number of ways. Prolonged exposure to the trauma memory is a form of exposure therapy which is part and parcel of CBT allowing the patient to identify various triggers as well as methods of curbing these triggers (Johnson & Ceroni, 2020). Exposure based CBT has demonstrated vital relevance in clinical management of PTSD with a minimal of 8-12 interpersonal sessions being indicated for this patient. Group therapy using CBT and supportive therapy can highly benefit JX.



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Select one of the personality disorders from the DSM-5, Provided a description of the personality disorder you selected. Explain a therapeutic approach (including psychotropic medications if appropriate) you might use to treat a client presenting with this disorder, including how you would share your diagnosis of this disorder to the client in order to avoid damaging the therapeutic relationship. Support your approach with evidence-based literature within the last 5 years.


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Provide a summary of CBT psychotherapy and explain why it resonates with you the most at this time. Then compare CBT psychotherapy with existential-humanistic therapy. What are the strengths and challenges of each type of psychotherapy? Describe a fictional client that you think would be best suited for the therapy you selected and one fictional client you think would be best suited for existential-humanistic therapy. Explain why.


All references are required to be peer reviewed and within the last 5 years


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In the attached 5 scenarios respond to the questions that follow them. Using all peer reviewed evidence-based references within the last 5 years.


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Provide one alternative therapeutic approach. Explain why you suggest this alternative and support your suggestion with evidence-based literature and/or your own experiences with clients.



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 Briefly describe how supportive and interpersonal psychotherapies are similar.

·       Explain at least three differences between these therapies. Include how these differences might impact your practice as a mental health counselor.

·       Explain which therapeutic approach you might use with clients and why. Support your approach with evidence-based literature.

all references peer reviewed and within the last 5 years, please include introduction, summary 


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Describe how cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and rational emotive behavioral therapy (REBT) are similar.

Explain at least three differences between CBT and REBT. Include how these differences might impact your practice as a mental health counselor.

Explain which version of cognitive behavioral therapy you might use with clients and why. Support your approach with evidence-based literature.

Note: please include a title page, introduction, summary, and references.


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Provide an explanation of the psychometric properties of the assessment tool Inventory of Depressive Symptomalogy. Explain when it is appropriate to use this assessment tool with clients, including whether the tool can be used to evaluate the efficacy of psychopharmacologic medications. Support your approach with evidence-based literature.


All references must be within the last 5 years and be peer reviewed 


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In a PowerPoint presentation, address the following:

·       Provide an overview of the article.

o   What population is under consideration?

o   What was the specific intervention that was used? Is this a new intervention or one that was already used?

o   What were the author’s claims?

·       Explain the findings/outcomes of the study in the article. Include whether this will translate into practice with your own clients. If so, how? If not, why?

·       Explain whether the limitations of the study might impact your ability to use the findings/outcomes presented in the article. Support your position with evidence-based literature.


Provide presenters notes, graphs and diagrams if appropriate. Peer reviewed references all within the last 5 years.


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Provide a thoughtful response to the attached and provide an additional scholarly resource that supports or challenges their position along with a brief explanation of the resource.




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