PART1 – HSC4010 – Endometrial Cancer – Discussion 200words
PART1 – HSC4010 – Endometrial Cancer – Discussion 200words
*Include references*NO plagiarism *NO copy / paste* Stay on topic*
Researcher A conducts a case-control study to explore the consumption of fruits and vegetables and the risk of endometrial cancer. The results of the study indicate a lower risk of cancer with vegetable consumption.
Researcher B conducts a cross-sectional study to explore the consumption of fruits and vegetables and the risk of endometrial cancer. The results of the study indicate a higher risk of cancer with vegetable consumption.
Conduct research by reading the articles and journals on endometrial cancer. Based on your research and understanding, answer the following questions:
· From the research information you have at hand, what do the above mentioned two case studies tell you about the risk of endometrial cancer?
· Is there any common ground covered between the two studies? If so, list and explain them. If not, provide reasons why.
· What is your opinion on each study in terms of design and demographics? Which method do you think has more merit? Why?
· What additional information would be needed to arrive at a conclusion?
PART2 – PHE4030 – Understanding Elements of Effective Health Communication Campaigns
Discussion 200words *Include references*NO plagiarism *NO copy / paste* Stay on topic*
Read all the information presented in the effective health communication campaigns, titled Truth and Man Therapy in
Answer the following questions:
· How accurate is the information being presented in each campaign? Provide examples.
· How clear is the information being presented in each campaign? Provide examples.
· How consistent is the information being presented in each campaign? Provide examples.
· How credible is the information being presented in each campaign? Provide examples.
· How relevant is the information being presented in each campaign? Provide examples.
PART3 – PHE4030- Completing a Creative Brief (Chlamydia) 2pgs
*Include references*NO plagiarism *NO copy / paste* Stay on topic*
Using the information, you created in Week 1 Project, complete the following creative brief:
*Creative Brief Template One / attached to the question*
Based on your research, create a 2page report that includes all components of the creative brief and supporting documentation on how you answered each component of the brief.
Be sure to support your points for each of the components in parenthesis with data from the program and outside research
Chlamydia references-below-Information I used in prior assignment…………
Ozolins, D. (2011, March 14). Why are Chlamydia and HPV Major Public Health Problems? Retrieved July 3, 2019, from
Chlamydia – 2017 Sexually Transmitted Diseases Surveillance. (n.d.). Retrieved July 3, 2019, from
Cividino, M. (2018). Communicable Diseases Prevention and Management. OOHNA Journal, 37(2), 22–35. Retrieved from
Gilbert, G. L., Degeling, C., & Johnson, J. (2019). Communicable Disease Surveillance Ethics in the Age of Big Data and New Technology. Asian Bioethics Review, 11(2), 173–187.