All references consulted (including the text) should be referenced appropriately within your response—APA style—and a list of references should be supplied at the end of your document.

Please read the case study entitled, “Lack of Consent and Patient Death” on p. 402 in your textbook (**Page 335 for 5th edition).


– Provide a brief summary of the case, leading into the ethical issue or dilemma.

– Consider the case using one ethical theory.

-Address the questions as the end of the case.  

– When using class terms, be sure to explain them and to specifically show how you are applying the to the case. To say, “Dr Yalson demonstrated beneficence” is not a complete or adequate response. Explain beneficence and provide a specific example of how it was demonstrated.


** You should provide more than 1 page per case to thoroughly address the questions/issues. Be sure to include the questions presented with the case.

** All references consulted (including the text) should be referenced appropriately within your response—APA style—and a list of references should be supplied at the end of your document.

** In-text citations documented and formatted using APA

** Microsoft Word document with 1” margins all around

** 12 pt. Times New Roman font

** Double-spaced work. 

** Paragraph (commentary) format, not a bulleted or numbered response.

******** ATTACHED WILL BE THE CASE “Lack of Consent and Patient Death” TO READ IN ORDER TO DO THE ASSIGNMENT*********

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