What are some signs to watch for when working in the helping professions that might indicate that you or a colleague may be experiencing burnout? Describe your self-care plan to help alleviate stress and ward off burnout while working in the field of human services? (Note: this is your self-care plan; write as much as you need)
Read the Required Puterbaugh (2015) article on self-care. Locate, read, and cite a credible article on burnout in the helping professions. What are some signs to watch for when working in the helping professions that might indicate that you or a colleague may be experiencing burnout? Describe your self-care plan to help alleviate stress and ward off burnout while working in the field of human services? (Note: this is your self-care plan; write as much as you need). Prepare to discuss those specific tactics that you intend to employ to fellow students who may inquire about your choices. Your initial post should be at least 500 words long. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.
Resources Required Text Martin, M.E. (2014). Introduction to human services: Through the eyes of practice settings (3rd. ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education. ISBN: 9780205848058 Required References ABC Life Literacy Canada. (2010, July 20). Workplace education podcast part 2 – Conducting an organizational needs assessment [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxQCHtTEadA (Links to an external site.) Miller, S.E., Tice, C.J., & Harnek-Hall, D.M. (2008). The generalist model: Where do the micro and macro converge? Advances in Social Work, 9(2), pp. 80-90. Retrieved from http://journals.iupui.edu/index.php/advancesinsocialwork/article/viewFile/203/198 (Links to an external site.) Puterbaugh, D. (2015). Self-care in the world of empirically supported treatments. Retrieved on December 10, 2015, from http://ct.counseling.org/2015/05/self-care-in-the-world-of-empirically-supported-treatments/ (Links to an external site.) Recommended References Greene, G., Madkins, K., Andrews, K., Dispenza, J. & Mustanski, B. (2016). Implementation and evaluation of the keep it up! Online HIV prevention intervention in a community-based setting. AIDS Education & Prevention, 28(3), 231-245. DOI: 10.1521/aeap.2016.28.3.231. Hergenrather, K. Emmanuel, D., Durant, S. & Rhodes, S. (2016). Enhancing HIV prevention among young men who have sex with men: A systematic review of HIV behavioral interventions for young gay and bisexual men. AIDS Education & Prevention, 28(3)252-271DOI: 10.1521/aeap.2016.28.3.252. HumanServicesCouncil. (2016, February 23). The future of the human services sector [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0UqjTDPwwk (Links to an external site.) Moate, R. Gnilka,P.,West, E., & Bruns, K. (2016). Stress and burnout among counselor educators: Differences between adaptive perfectionists, maladaptive perfectionists, and non-perfectionists. Journal of Counseling & Development. 94(2), 161-171. DOI: 10.1002/jcad.12073. Negandhi, P., Neogi, S., Chopra, S., Phogat, A., Sahota, R., Gupta, R., Gupta, R., Zodpey, S. (2016). Improving reporting of infant deaths, maternal deaths and stillbirths in Haryana, India. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 94(5), 370-375. DOI: 10.2471/BLT.15.157693. Regis University. (2010, April 7). Leaders in practice: Social responsibility [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a45j3eHsvnA (Links to an external site.) Steury, E. (2016). Mobile phone short message service to improve malaria pharmacoadherence in Zambia. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 48(4), 354-361. DOI: 10.1111/jnu.12216. Souza-Talarico, J., Wan, N., Santos, S., Fialho, P., Chaves, E., Caramelli, P., Bianchi, E., Santos, A., & Lupien, S. (2016). Cross-country discrepancies on public understanding of stress concepts: evidence for stress-management psycho-educational programs. BMC Psychiatry, 16, 1-11. 11p. DOI: 10.1186/s12888-016-0886-6. Tanner, A., Mann, L., Song, E., Alonzo, J., Schafer, K., Arellano, E., Garcia, J. & Rhodes, S. (2016). weCARE: A social media-based intervention designed to increase HIV care linkage, retention, and health outcomes for racially and ethnically diverse young MSM. AIDS Education & Prevention. 28(3), 216-230. 15p. DOI: 10.1521/aeap.2016.28.3.216. Wagaman, M., Geiger, J., Shockley, C., & Segal, E. (2015). The role of empathy in burnout, compassion satisfaction, and secondary traumatic stress among social workers. Social Work, 60(3), 201-209. DOI: 10.1093/sw/swv014.