This link to a BBC video discusses the ancient tradition of Goddess worship that permeated all cultures in the ancient Near East. It presents an often overlooked element within the spiritual traditions of the Judae-Christian religious history.

Watch When God Was a Girl

This link to a BBC video discusses the ancient tradition of Goddess worship that permeated all cultures in the ancient Near East. It presents an often overlooked element within the spiritual traditions of the Judae-Christian religious history.

For the secondary source articles, film clips or documentaries:

Content- Summarize the main themes presented or points of interest that impressed you.

Connecting to prior knowledge – how does it fit with the other things you know about this subject?

Does this presentation or document raise any questions that you would like to explore further?

How does the information you learned contribute to your understanding of  modern day events?

Journal entries should be a several paragraphs in length and written in complete sentences. I am interested in hearing your ideas. Make sure to run the spell check so that you can avoid any unnecessary mistakes.

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