Send the official a letter or e-mail that explains your position and offers suggestions on how the official should move forward with the agenda from your policy brief. Include the brief as an attachment.

Write a policy brief regarding an issue relevant to health policy ; code 00290050019AA


Type of Service


Urgency 15  hours 

No. of Pages/Wordcount

4 page(s)/1100 Words

Style APA Style

Destailed Description

Reference not later than 5 years.

Should be between 2015 and 2019 only. 


Part One:

Write a policy brief regarding an issue relevant to health policy. Include the following:

Executive summary


Approaches and results


Implications and recommendations

Graphics and tables may be included as appropriate

Part Two:

Locate the contact information for a state, local, or federal official for your area.

Locate information regarding the official’s stance on the issue you discuss in your policy brief.

Send the official a letter or e-mail that explains your position and offers suggestions on how the official should move forward with the agenda from your policy brief. Include the brief as an attachment.


Please remember :

References not older than 5 years


Part One:

Write a policy brief regarding an issue relevant to health policy. Include the following:

Executive summary


Approaches and results


Implications and recommendations

Graphics and tables may be included as appropriate

Part Two:

Locate the contact information for a state, local, or federal official for your area.

Locate information regarding the official’s stance on the issue you discuss in your policy brief.

Send the official a letter or e-mail that explains your position and offers suggestions on how the official should move forward with the agenda from your policy brief. Include the brief as an attachment.


Attached file available to the selected winning bidder

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