Papers are to be double spaced, using a ‘Book Antiqua’, in black, and the font size must be 12. No cover page is required.

3.5 written pages 

Research the case of Berg v. Allied Security Inc. Chicago. Provide me the following information:

  1. An overview of the case (provide a detailed case review)
  2. Was the design and evaluation of the security system adequate?
  3. Was CPTED concept applied properly?
  4. Were Monitors of IP/CCTV Displayed properly?
  5. Was the alarm communication and display adequate?

Papers are to be double spaced, using a ‘Book Antiqua’, in black, and the font size must be 12. No cover page is required. Page numbering, including the first page, is to be placed in the lower right-hand corner of your pages. Only 8 footnotes per paper are acceptable. You must list at least five references. All papers are to be no more than 8 pages. Footnotes and endnotes are to be used in the MLA or APA format

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