Question 8 All religions are concerned with the promulgation of certain values and the cultivation of specific virtues except Christianity.
Question 1 The most severe version of the problem of horrendous evil is
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Question 2 The view advanced by C. S. Lewis in The Great Divorce is
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Question 3 The argument that there is probably pointless suffering that renders God’s existence unlikely is called
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Question 4 Criticisms of mild hell include that
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Question 5 The problem of evil comes about when we try to reconcile
Correct Answer: All of the above
Question 6 The Bible tells us everything we need to know and can benefit from ethically.
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Question 7 Ethics is about the ________ and about the _________:
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Question 8 All religions are concerned with the promulgation of certain values and the cultivation of specific virtues except Christianity.
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Question 9 Where in the Bible can one find ethical material?
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Question 10 Which of the following is a way Scripture does NOT contribute to philosophical ethics?
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to love God with hear & soul and our neighbors as ourselves.
Question 11 For virtues ethics the “good” is located in the:
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Question 12 In the end, Dr. Martin appealed to what factor in answering the question of gratuitous evil:
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Answer: the hope of the resurrection
Question 13 Thepointecast presentation on why be moral would support the idea that each individual should be free to formulate his/her own ethical norms.