Plants Have Evolved Characteristics that Deter Herbivores
Most plants are sessile; they cannot move. Thus, avoiding predation requires adaptations that discourage being selected by herbivores. The array of characteristics used by plants to deter herbivores includes both structural and other defenses. Structural defenses, such as hairy leaves, thorns, and spines, can discourage feeding (Figure 14.23), thereby reducing the amount of tissues removed by herbivores.
For herbivores, often the quality rather than the quantity of food is the constraint on food supply. Because of the complex digestive process needed to break down plant cellulose and convert plant tissue into animal flesh, high-quality forage rich in nitrogen is necessary (see Chapter 7, Section 7.2). If the nutrient content of the plants is not sufficient, herbivores can starve to death on a full stomach. Low-quality foods are tough, woody, fibrous, and indigestible. High-quality foods are young, soft, and green or they are storage organs such as roots, tubers, and seeds. Most plant tissues are relatively low in quality, and herbivores that have to live on such resources suffer high mortality or reproductive failure.
Plants contain various chemicals that are not involved in the basic metabolism of plant cells. Many of these chemicals, referred to as secondary compounds , either reduce the ability of herbivores to digest plant tissues or deter herbivores from feeding. Although these chemicals represent an amazing array of compounds, they can be divided into three major classes based on their chemical structure: nitrogen-based compounds, terpenoids, and phenolics. Nitrogen-based compounds include alkaloids such as morphine, atropine, nicotine, and cyanide. Terpenoids (also called isoprenoids) include a variety of essential oils, latex, and plant resins (many spices and fragrances contain terpenoids). Phenolics are a general class of aromatic compounds (i.e., contain the benzene ring) including the tannins and lignins.
Some secondary compounds are produced by the plant in large quantities and are referred to as quantitative inhibitors . For example, tannins and resins may constitute up to 60 percent of the dry weight of a leaf. In the vacuoles of their leaves, oaks and other species contain tannins that bind with proteins and inhibit their digestion by herbivores. Between 5–35 percent of the carbon contained in the leaves of terrestrial plants occurs in the form of lignins—complex, carbon-based molecules that are impossible for herbivores to digest, making the nitrogen and other essential nutrients bound in these compounds unavailable to the herbivore. These types of compounds reduce digestibility and thus potential energy gain from food (see Section 7.2).
Other secondary compounds that function as defenses against herbivory are present in small to minute quantities and are referred to as qualitative inhibitors . These compounds are toxic, often causing herbivores to avoid their consumption. This category of compounds includes cyanogenic compounds (cyanide) and alkaloids such as nicotine, caffeine, cocaine, morphine, and mescaline that interfere with specific metabolic pathways of physiological processes. Many of these compounds, such as pyrethrin, have become important sources of pesticides.
Although the qualitative inhibitors function to protect against most herbivores, some specialized herbivores have developed ways of breaching these chemical defenses. Some insects can absorb or metabolically detoxify the chemical substances. They even store the plant poisons to use them in their own defense, as the larvae of monarch butterflies do, or in the production of pheromones (chemical signals). Some beetles and certain caterpillars sever veins in leaves before feeding, stopping the flow of chemical defenses.
Some plant defenses are constitutive, such as structural defenses or quantitative inhibitors (tannins, resins, or lignins) that provide built-in physical or biological barriers against the attacker. Others are active, induced by the attacking herbivore. These induced responses can be local (occur at the site of the attack) or can extend systematically throughout the plant. Often, these two types of defenses are used in combination. For example, when attacked by bark beetles carrying an infectious fungus in their mouthparts, conifer trees release large amounts of resin (constitutive, quantitative defense) from the attack sites that flows out onto the attackers, entombing the beetles. Meanwhile, the tree mobilizes induced defenses against the pathogenic fungus that the intruder has deposited at the wound site.
In another kind of plant–insect interaction, some plants appear to “call for help,” attracting the predators of their predators. Parasitic and predatory arthropods often prevent plants from being severely damaged by killing herbivores as they feed on the plants. Recent studies show that a variety of plant species, when injured by herbivores, emit chemical signals to guide natural enemies to the herbivores. It is unlikely that the herbivore-damaged plants initiate the production of chemicals solely to attract predators. The signaling role probably evolved secondarily from plant responses that produce toxins and deterrents against herbivores. For example, in a series of controlled laboratory studies, Ted Turlings and James Tumlinson, researchers at the Agricultural Research Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, found that corn seedlings under attack by caterpillars release several volatile terpenoid compounds that function to attract parasitoid wasps (Cotesia marginiventris) that then attack the caterpillars. Experiment results showed that the induced emission of volatiles is not limited to the site of damage but occurs throughout the plant. The systematic release of volatiles by injured corn seedlings results in a significant increase in visitation by the parasitoid wasp.
Various hypotheses have been put forward to explain why different types of defenses that help in the avoidance of herbivores have evolved in plants. A feature common to all of these hypotheses is the trade-off between the costs and benefits of defense. The cost of defense in diverting energy and nutrients from other needs must be offset by the benefits of avoiding predation.