Animal Prey Have Evolved Defenses against Predators.

Animal species have evolved a wide range of characteristics to avoid being detected, selected, and captured by predators. These characteristics are collectively referred to as predator defenses .

Chemical defense is widespread among many groups of animals. Some species of fish release alarm pheromones (chemical signals) that, when detected, induce flight reactions in members of the same and related species. Arthropods, amphibians, and snakes employ odorous secretions to repel predators. For example, when disturbed, the stinkbug (Cosmopepla bimaculata) discharges a volatile secretion from a pair of glands located on its back (Figure 14.15a). The stinkbug can control the amount of fluid released and can reabsorb the fluid into the gland. In a series of controlled experiments, Bryan Krall and colleagues at Illinois State University have found that the secretion deters feeding by both avian and reptile predators.

Many arthropods possess toxic substances, which they acquire by consuming plants and then store in their own bodies. Other arthropods and venomous snakes, frogs, and toads synthesize their own poisons.

Prey species have evolved numerous other defense mechanisms. Some animals possess cryptic coloration , which includes colors and patterns that allow prey to blend into the background of their normal environment (Figure 14.15b). Such protective coloration is common among fish, reptiles, and many ground-nesting birds. Object resemblance is common among insects. For example, walking sticks (Phasmatidae) resemble twigs (Figure 14.15c), and katydids (Pseudophyllinae) resemble leaves. Some animals possess eyespot markings, which intimidate potential predators, attract the predators’ attention away from the animal, or delude them into attacking a less vulnerable part of the body. Associated with cryptic coloration is flashing coloration . Certain butterflies, grasshoppers, birds, and ungulates, such as the white-tailed deer, display extremely visible color patches when disturbed and put to flight. The flashing coloration may distract and disorient predators; in the case of the white-tailed deer, it may serve as a signal to promote group cohesion when confronted by a predator (Figure  14.15d). When the animal comes to rest, the bright or white colors vanish, and the animal disappears into its surroundings.

Animals that are toxic to predators or use other chemical defenses often possess warning coloration , or aposematism, that is, bold colors with patterns that may serve as warning to would-be predators. The black-and-white stripes of the skunk, the bright orange of the monarch butterfly, and the yellow-and-black coloration of many bees and wasps and some snakes may serve notice of danger to their predators (Figures 14.15e and  14.15f). All their predators, however, must have an unpleasant experience with the prey before they learn to associate the color pattern with unpalatability or pain.

Some animals living in the same habitats with inedible species sometimes evolve a coloration that resembles or mimics the warning coloration of the toxic species. This type of mimicry is called Batesian mimicry after the English naturalist H. E. Bates, who described it when observing tropical butterflies. The mimic, an edible species, resembles the inedible species, called the model. Once the predator has learned to avoid the model, it avoids the mimic also. In this way, natural selection reinforces the characteristic of the mimic species that resembles that of the model species.

Most discussions of Batesian mimicry concern butterflies, but mimicry is not restricted to Lepidoptera and other invertebrates. Mimicry has also evolved in snakes with venomous models and nonvenomous mimics (Figure 14.16). For example, in eastern North America, the scarlet king snake (Lampropeltis triangulum) mimics the eastern coral snake (Micrurus fulvius) and in southwestern North America, the mountain kingsnake (Lampropeltis pyromelana) mimics the western coral snake (Micruroides euryxanthus). Mimicry is not limited to color patterns. Some species of nonvenomous snakes are acoustic mimics of rattlesnakes. The fox snake (Elaphe vulpina) and the pine snake of eastern North America, the bull snake of the Great Plains, and the gopher snake of the Pacific States, all subspecies of Pituophis melanoleucus, rapidly vibrate their tails in leafy litter to produce a rattle-like sound.

Another type of mimicry is called Müllerian, after the 19th-century German zoologist Fritz Müller. With Müllerian mimicry, many unpalatable or venomous species share a similar color pattern. Müllerian mimicry is effective because the predator must only be exposed to one of the species before learning to stay away from all other species with the same warning color patterns. The black-and-yellow striped bodies of social wasps, solitary digger wasps, and caterpillars of the cinnabar moths warn predators that the organism is inedible (Figure 14.17). All are unrelated species with a shared color pattern that functions to keep predators away.

Some animals employ protective armor for defense. Clams, armadillos, turtles, and many beetles all withdraw into their armor coats or shells when danger approaches. Porcupines, echidnas, and hedgehogs possess quills (modified hairs) that discourage predators.

Still other animals use behavioral defenses , which include a wide range of behaviors by prey species aimed at avoiding detection, fleeing, and warning others of the presence of predators. Animals may change their foraging behavior in response to the presence of predators, as in the example of the willow and crested tits (see Section 14.8). Some species give an alarm call when a predator is sighted. Because high-pitched alarm calls are not species specific, they are recognized by a wide range of nearby animals. Alarm calls often bring in numbers of potential prey that mob the predator. Other behavioral defenses include distraction displays, which are most common among birds. These defenses direct the predator’s attention away from the nest or young.

For some prey, living in groups is the simplest form of defense. Predators are less likely to attack a concentrated group of individuals. By maintaining tight, cohesive groups, prey make it difficult for any predator to obtain a victim (Figure  14.18). Sudden, explosive group flight can confuse a predator, leaving it unable to decide which individual to follow.

A subtler form of defense is the timing of reproduction so that most of the offspring are produced in a short period. Prey are thus so abundant that the predator can take only a fraction of them, allowing a percentage of the young to escape and grow to a less-vulnerable size. This phenomenon is known as predator satiation . Periodic cicadas (Magicicada spp.) emerge as adults once every 13 years in the southern portion of their range in North America and once every 17 years in the northern portion of their range, living the remainder of the period as nymphs underground. Though these cicadas emerge only once every 13 or 17 years, a local population emerges somewhere within their range virtually every year. When emergence occurs, the local density of cicadas can number in the millions of individuals per hectare. Ecologist Kathy Williams of San Diego State University and her colleagues tested the effectiveness of predator satiation during the emergence of periodic cicadas in northwest Arkansas. Williams found that the first cicadas emerging in early May were eaten by birds, but avian predators quickly became satiated. Birds consumed 15–40 percent of the cicada population at low cicada densities but only a small proportion as cicada densities increased (Figure 14.19). Williams’s results demonstrated that, indeed, the synchronized, explosive emergences of periodic cicadas are an example of predator satiation.

The predator defenses just discussed fall into two broad classes: permanent and induced. Permanent, or constitutive defenses , are fixed features of the organism, such as object resemblance and warning coloration. In contrast, defenses that are brought about, or induced, by the presence or action of predators are referred to as induced defenses . Behavioral defenses are an example of induced defenses, as are chemical defenses such as alarm pheromones that, when detected, induce flight reactions. Induced defenses can also include shifts in physiology or morphology, representing a form of phenotypic plasticity (see this chapter, Field Studies: Rick A. Relyea).

14.11 Predators Have Evolved Efficient Hunting Tactics

As prey have evolved ways of avoiding predators, predators have evolved better ways of hunting. Predators use three general methods of hunting: ambush, stalking, and pursuit. Ambush hunting means lying in wait for prey to come along. This method is typical of some frogs, alligators, crocodiles, lizards, and certain insects. Although ambush hunting has a low frequency of success, it requires minimal energy. Stalking, typical of herons and some cats, is a deliberate form of hunting with a quick attack. The predator’s search time may be great, but pursuit time is minimal. Pursuit hunting, typical of many hawks, lions, wolves, and insectivorous bats, involves minimal search time because the predator usually knows the location of the prey, but pursuit time is usually great. Stalkers spend more time and energy encountering prey. Pursuers spend more time capturing and handling prey.

Predators, like their prey, may use cryptic coloration to blend into the background or break up their outlines (Figure  14.20). Predators use deception by resembling the prey. Robber flies (Laphria spp.) mimic bumblebees, their prey (Figure 14.21). The female of certain species of fireflies imitates the mating flashes of other species to attract males of those species, which she promptly kills and eats. Predators may also employ chemical poisons, as do venomous snakes, scorpions, and spiders. They may form a group to attack large prey, as lions and wolves do.

14.12 Herbivores Prey on Autotrophs

Although the term predator is typically associated with animals that feed on other animals, herbivory is a form of predation in which animals prey on autotrophs (plants and algae). Herbivory is a special type of predation because herbivores typically do not kill the individuals they feed on. Because the ultimate source of food energy for all heterotrophs is carbon fixed by plants in the process of photosynthesis (see Chapter  6), autotroph–herbivore interactions represent a key feature of all communities.

If you measure the amount of biomass actually eaten by herbivores, it may be small—perhaps 6–10 percent of total plant biomass present in a forest community or as much as 30–50 percent in grassland communities (see Chapter 20, Section 20.12). In years of major insect outbreaks, however, or in the presence of an overabundance of large herbivores, consumption is considerably higher (Figure 14.22). Consumption, however, is not necessarily the best measure of the impact of herbivory within a community. Grazing on plants can have a subtler impact on both plants and herbivores.

The removal of plant tissue—leaf, bark, stems, roots, and sap—affects a plant’s ability to survive, even though the plant may not be killed outright. Loss of foliage and subsequent loss of roots will decrease plant biomass, reduce the vigor of the plant, place it at a competitive disadvantage with surrounding vegetation, and lower its reproductive effort. The effect is especially strong in the juvenile stage, when the plant is most vulnerable and least competitive with surrounding vegetation.

A plant may be able to compensate for the loss of leaves with the increase of photosynthesis in the remaining leaves. However, it may be adversely affected by the loss of nutrients, depending on the age of the tissues removed. Young leaves are dependent structures—importers and consumers of nutrients drawn from reserves in roots and other plant tissues. Grazing herbivores, both vertebrate and invertebrate, often concentrate on younger leaves and shoots because they are lower in structural carbon compounds such as lignins, which are difficult to digest and provide little if any energy (see Section 21.4). By selectively feeding on younger tissues, grazers remove considerable quantities of nutrients from the plant.

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