SWOT analysis is acronym of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
SWOT analysis is acronym of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. SWOT analysis reveals what factors or forces work in favor or against the company on the market. These factors can be internal or external, or both. Your assignment is to complete a SWOT of the 3 companies from your previous assignment. You should complete this assignment in Power Point. I would also like you to add a company overview slide before each company’s SWOT analysis. You can use bullets or a grid for the SWOT – do what is easy for you. I’m look for a visually appealing, but concise presentations. In the company overview cover:
- Company Name
- Summary of what they do
- Number of Employees
- Location of Company
- CEO and a little of his background
Please keep this overview slide concise – I’m looking for a high-level overview followed by a SWOT analysis.