purpose of the evaluation, the method(s) used for evaluation, discussion and conclusion are clearly stated.

Research Paper Rubric 8/6/17, 10:02

Research Paper Rubric

Research Paper Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts Abstract

Clearly and concisely summarize your evaluation, the

purpose of the evaluation, the method(s) used for

evaluation, discussion and conclusion are clearly stated.

25 pts

The purpose, methods, and

discussion and conclusion

stated. 15 pts

Incomplete and/or unfocused. 10-5 pts Absent, no


0 pts

25 pts


The ideas are arranged logically to

support the purpose or argument.

They flow smoothly from one to

another and are clearly linked to each

other. The reader can follow the line of


25 pts

The ideas are arranged logically to

support the central purpose or

argument. They are usually clearly

linked to each other. For the most

part, the reader can follow the line of


20-15 pts

In general, the writing is

arranged logically, although

occasionally ideas fail to make

sense together. The reader is

fairly clear about what writer


10 pts

The writing is not logically

organized. Frequently, ideas

fail to make sense together.

The reader cannot identify a

line of reasoning and loses


5 pts



Reader is

unable to

follow a line

of reasoning

0 pts

25 pts


(see the assignment’s instruction for more detail)

Balanced presentation of relevant and legitimate

information that clearly supports a central

purpose or argument and shows a thoughtful, in-

depth analysis of a significant topic. The HER

components and factors are clearly mentioned.

Methods to measure evaluation, and

benchmarks for the evaluation are concrete and

specified in both phases. Reader gains

important insights.

75-65 pts

Information provides reasonable

support for a central purpose or

argument and displays evidence of a

basic analysis of a significant topic.

The HER components and factors

mentioned. Methods to measure

evaluation, and benchmarks for the

evaluation specified. Reader gains

some insights.

65-45 pts

Information supports a central purpose or argument at times.The

HER components and factors are basic or general. Reader gains

few insights.

45-5 pts

75 pts


The tone is consistently

professional and appropriate for

an academic research paper.

25 pts

The tone is generally professional. For

the most part, it is appropriate for an

academic research paper.

20-15 pts

The tone is not consistent-ly

professional or appropriate for an

academic research paper.

10 pts

The tone is unprofessional. It is

not appropriate for an academic

research paper.

5 pts



0 pts

25 pts

Plagiarism, grammar,

Spelling, Writing Mechanics (punctuation,

italics, capitalization, etc.

The writing is free

or almost free of


25 pts

There are occasional errors, but they don’t

represent a major distraction or obscure


20-15 pts

The writing has many errors,

and the reader is distracted by


10 pts

There are so many errors that meaning is

obscured. The reader is confused and stops


5 pts



0 pts

25 pts

Use of References

Compelling evidence from

professionally legitimate sources

is given to support claims.

Attribution is clear and fairly

represented. Proper citation is


25 pts

Professionally legitimate sources

that support claims are generally

present and attribution is, for the

most part, clear and fairly

represented. Proper citation is


20 pts

Although attributions are occasionally

given, many statements seem

unsubstantiated. The reader is

confused about the source of

information and ideas. Proper citation

is evident.

15 pts

References are

seldom cited to



Proper citation

is evident.

10 pts


are cited to



but are not

properly cited.

5 pts




0 pts

25 pts

Total Points: 200

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