Refraction and the Ray Model of Light

Refraction and the Ray Model of Light.

1. Identify the means by which you can use a converging lens to form a real image.

 2. Identify the means by which you can use a converging lens to form a virtual image.

3. A converging lens is sometimes used as a magnifying glass. Explain how this works; specifically, identify the general region where the object must be placed in order to produce the magnified effect.

4.  Determine the image distance and image height for a 5-cm tall object placed 35.0-cm from a double convex lens having a focal length of 10.0 cm.

5.  Determine the image distance and image height for a 5-cm tall object placed 25.0-cm from a double convex lens having a focal length of 10.0 cm.

6.  Determine the image distance and image height for a 5-cm tall object placed 15.0-cm from a double convex lens having a focal length of 10.0 cm.

Refraction and the Ray Model of Light

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