MFT 635 Adler School of Professional Psychology Military Families & Crimes of War Questions

MFT 635 Adler School of Professional Psychology Military Families & Crimes of War Questions. These are two separate questions, and must be answered separately with a minimum of 200 words. The reading provided must be utilized and cited within the answer.

Question1: War Trauma

DISCUSS three possible mental health implications of being exposed to war trauma.

Reply to at least one other’s post.

Question 2: Best Practices in Family Therapy Intervention

HOW can family-focused interventions be integrated with symptom-related interventions for

combat veterans (see Sherman and Saltzman articles; also Burkman is more symptom-related –

how do these TYPES of interventions go together)?

Required Reading

1. Saltzman, W. R. (2016). The FOCUS Family Resilience Program: An Innovative Family

Intervention for Trauma and Loss. Family Process, 55(4), 647-659. doi:10.1111/famp.12250

Retrieved from Ebscohost multisearch.

2. Schorr, Y., Stein, N. R., Maguen, S., Barnes, J. B., Bosch, J., & Litz, B. T. (2018). Sources of

moral injury among war veterans: A qualitative evaluation. Journal of Clinical Psychology,

74(12), 2203-2218. doi:10.1002/jclp.22660

Retrieved from Ebscohost multisearch.

3. Purcell, N., Griffin, B., Burkman, K., & Maguen, S. (2018). “Opening a Door to a New Life”:

The Role of Forgiveness in Healing From Moral Injury. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9.


Retrieved from…


4. Burkman, K., & Maguen, S. (2018). Impact of Killing (IOK): Expanding our Framework to

Help Veterans Heal from War. Trauma Psychology News, 14(3), Retrieved from

5. Sherman, M. D., & Larsen, J. L. (2018). Family-focused interventions and resources for

veterans and their families. Psychological Services, 15(2), 146-153. doi:10.1037/ser0000174

Retrieved from Ebscohost multisearch.

MFT 635 Adler School of Professional Psychology Military Families & Crimes of War Questions

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