Before engaging in any given project, it is helpful to have a plan. An outline allows you to map out the steps of your project and foresee any challenges you may experience along the way. It also can serve as a checkpoint. As you are collecting and analyzing your data in later weeks, you may want to return to your outline and check that you are addressing what you had intended. For this Journal, you will create an outline of your Personal Improvement Project to guide you both in carrying out the project and in synthesizing the results for your Module 1 Assignment.

To Prepare

  • Download the Project Outline Template from the Learning Resources.


Using the Project Outline Template, develop an initial outline of your Personal Improvement Project that addresses each part of the Assignment. 

Required Readings

Johnson, J. K., & Sollecito, W. A. (2020). McLaughlin & Kaluzny’s continuous quality improvement in health care (5th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

Chapter 4: “Understanding Variation, Tools, and Data Sources for CQI in Health Care” (pp. 106–141).

  • Chapter 5, “Lean and Six Sigma Management: Building a Foundation for Optimal Patient Care Using Patient Flow Physics” (pp. 142–173)

Neuhauser, D., Myhre, S., & Alemi, F. (2004). Personal continuous improvement workbook (7th ed.). McLean, VA: Academy for Healthcare Improvement Download Academy for Healthcare Improvement.

Note: Review the Seven Tools of Quality

Silver, S. A., Harel, Z., McQuillan, R., Weizman, A. V., Thomas, T., Chertow, … Chan, C. T. (2016). How to begin a quality improvement project. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 11Links to an external site.(5). 893–900.

American Society for Quality. (n.d.). Quality tools A to ZLinks to an external site.. Retrieved from  

Note: This site includes templates and examples of quality tools you can use for your project.

Document: Data Collection Plan Template Download Data Collection Plan Template(Word document)

Document: Project Outline Template Download Project Outline Template(Word document)

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