Think drug use by healthcare employees and harassment, sexual or other, of employees in a healthcare setting, and you have two scenarios that are sure to test your knowledge and judgment as a nurse executive with human resource responsibilities. Check yourself, and draw on the perspectives and responses of your course colleagues, with a Discussion of these problem situations.

To Prepare:

  • Review each of the following scenarios and choose one as the subject of your Discussion post.

Scenario 1: A star surgeon is a revenue generator and holds significant power within a healthcare organization. The surgeon is also verbally abusive to lower-level staff and threatens with outbursts and inappropriate demands. Staff complaints have been frequent and responses inadequate. Another recent outburst by the surgeon has created renewed demands for effective action.

Note: For more on this scenario, review the document “Mr. Coolidge’s Dilemma” in the Learning Resources. This presentation by text author Bruce Fried is based on a compilation of real situations.

  • Imagine you are a new nurse executive in this healthcare setting drawn into a discussion on what to do about this surgeon. Consider issues raised by this situation, such as impact on morale, possible assault charges against the doctor, and potential damage to the hospital’s reputation. How do you respond?
  • If sexual harassment were suspected in the surgeon’s “inappropriate” requests, what legal mandates, such as those under Title VII, would you need to abide by to address this situation?
  • What ethical principles would guide your response?
  • What strategies/approaches could support employees impacted by the surgeon?

Scenario 2: A prospective employee tests positive for marijuana on a drug test in a state where marijuana is not legal.

  • What is your role as a nurse executive in the hiring process?
  • What are the legal mandates that you need to abide by in this situation?
  • How would you engage with this prospective employee?
  • What if this was a current employee? What would guide your response and how would you engage with this employee?


  • For each scenario, reflect on the issues and considerations that stand out to you. Choose one scenario as the subject of your Discussion post. Keep in mind that you will be required to respond to at least one peer whose post is the scenario you do not select.
  • Review Learning Resources related to both scenarios, to help you formulate your Discussion post and prepare your response to peers.
  • Indicate your choice of scenario in the title of your Discussion post, i.e., Harassment or Marijuana Use.

Post the following:

A brief explanation of the issues and considerations at work in your chosen scenario and how you would respond from your position as a nurse executive. Explain your decision-making process, specific actions you would take, and your reasoning. Support your thinking with the Learning Resources or current literature.

Required Readings

Fried, B. J., & Fottler, M. D. (Eds.). (2018). Fundamentals of human resources in healthcare (2nd ed.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.

Chapter 3, “The Legal and Ethical Environment” (pp. 51–86)

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