Identify and research an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service (ACCHS). You will analyze why ACCHSs are proven to be clinically effective, reflecting understanding of: • The historical, social and cultural determinants of health as they relate to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples including the ongoing impact of colonization on health.
Assessment criteria
- Examine the features of the ACCHS that make it clinically effective.
- Analyse the relationship between the historical, cultural and social determinants of health as they relate to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the clinical effectiveness of the ACCHS.
- Evidence of in-depth engagement with appropriate academic literature and other resources, using a minimum of 6 scholarly references.
- Adheres to presentation conventions: legibility, spelling, punctuation, grammar and referencing.
Your report should follow the following format:
Introduction (approximately 150 words):
Briefly identify the main points that you will explore in the report, including introducing your chosen ACCHS.
Report Body (approximately 900 words):
Here you present your analysis of why ACCHSs are proven to be clinically effective, reflecting understanding of:
- The historical, social and cultural determinants of health as they relate to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples including the ongoing impact of colonisation on health,
Your analysis should include discussion of the features, services and programs of your chosen ACCHS that make it clinically effective.
Chosen one Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service (ACCHS) that you find an ACCHS that interests you and research the features, programs and services that make it clinically effective. If you go to the NACCHO members website you’ll find a list of ACCHS.
one ACCHS and how the features, services, programs they provide are clinically effective. Using examples from the ACCHS alongside literature will help back up your discussion.
Conclusion (approximately 150 words):
Summarise your main points in light of your analysis.
Information sources for this assessment