The Case Study of Marceline

The Case Study of Marceline






Based on the information gathered from M and her mother in law, the other person I would want to interview would be Leon. As M explains, he gets dangerously upset at the very least provocation. It is therefore important to evaluate why his reaction is as such. This evaluation would also go a long way in helping junior. From what M says, she never has enough time with her son as she is either at work, doing house chores or drinking with her boyfriend to calm her nerves. She also mentions that she should not have had a child in the first place. This kind of perception may lead to mistreatment of the kid, which could explain his present disruptive behavior. I would also collect M’s, Leon’s and Michael’s paper work as it would help a lot in evaluation of each person.

Ethics can be defined as a set of rules and standards which an individual needs to follow to lead a life that has been deemed as satisfactory by society. In day-to-day family life and with situations that occur within workplace environments, people are faced with choices to make ethical or unethical decisions. In work and family life, ethics are required in order to maintain social order for example in M and her mother in law case. Good ethical practices largely affect relationships in interpersonal relationships, which are an essential aspect of lives. Successful interpersonal relationships require a certain level of empathy (Wenocur, 2004). It is possible that Junior is suffering from a disorder brought about by lack of attention from his parents. All rounder is a man who can perform any kind of task or work which is assigned to him. It is an almost impossible thing but one must need someone else for his/her help. This will be easier for him to perform and the task will be done more perfectly. If one performs some task while working together, then it is better as it promotes understanding and care.

The ethical issues that should be considered in this case should be privacy. M’s has suicidal thoughts and regrets having a child. Privacy is of utmost importance as such information should not be discussed with other people openly. M also admits that she has been intimate with Michael recently, which, means that he has cheated on Leon. Based on what M says about Leon’s behavior, he could react violently if he finds out that M has been cheating on him. I would treat what each person tells me privately to avoid blame being thrown from one person to another. The phenomenological theory is based on the cognitive aspects where all the relevant structures of experience or awareness are entailed. The theory tries to promote an understanding of the affiliation amid states of personality perception and the immediate surrounding emulating the social life. It tries to make known how all the action that are carried out by humans is concerned with the effective social action the situations at hand and the social. This is seen on the basis of the views laid by the first person. This theory gives an adverse meaning of what the surrounding has in our daily experiences. These vary from perception, reflection, reminiscence and social activity, including linguistic activity. The meaning of what is made by human being is basically the sum up of phenomenology in that it tries to distinguish the understanding of various people’s schools or thoughts.

Group behavior entails collective actions in which large or small numbers of people reason together with an aim of achieving a desired goal. The group dynamics field deals with small numbers of people that may reach consensus and act in a desirable manner. Groups that contain large numbers of people may act concurrently to achieve a goal that differs from what individuals would achieve if they were acting on their own. A family unit can also be considered as a group (Healy, 2001).

There are different causes that can results in a number of conflicts. When a team is created to perform a task, different individuals are set together who have different experiences, difference in attitude, power and every one has his own opinion, these all factors create conflicts. Decisions making is directly affected by conflicts in any team. It is an essential benefit to have different opinion of the team members. It shows that all the team members are active and have better ideas to perform their work. It is a positive approach. It also depends upon the nature of conflict, whether it is beneficial or destructive. This activity also helps to improve self-awareness in team members individually and also helpful in the development of personality. Good relationships are developed between group members due to conflicts and it helps to release the stress and tension by discussing ones problem in his work to other members. It always remained a challenge for any management to resolve conflicts in a team. Resolving conflicts means to avoid the negative impacts of conflicts on the team work and sort out the benefits to achieve goals out of them (Larsen, 2009). It is a common defect in management which is observed that management often does not give attention on resolving conflict in a team, although it is a part of their training. They are trained to promote positive debates and discussions in a team. There are other ways also present by using which management can get benefits from the team. One of them is the diversity of a function by which team members exchange their diverse opinions and develop their abilities to perform the required task. It helps to enhance their experience.

To resolve the conflicts in a team first of all members have to find out the major reason behind the conflict. It can be one in number or can be more than one reason. Most common factors are lack of communication among the members (Wenocur, 2004). Poor listening and lake of information sharing include in it. Another factor is the structure of relationship in which participation of individuals, system of rewarding and environment provided to the member are included. There are some personal factors present like personal values and needs. Then there come sources of conflict which includes diversity of functions, it means that every member of team posses a specific area of experience but he interferes in the function of other team members. Important thing for a family is to set an aim for which the team is organized. If the team is established without any base then members would have nothing to coordinate with each other. The major source of conflict in teams is the lack of parent care as evidenced from M. She mentions that she should not have had a child in the first place.

Some problems are so small to be mentioned and the use of power in such cases can yield to destructive results. It means that a sensible team leader does not involve him in some problems and allow the team members to resolve them their selves by the time. He only manages to provide the suitable environment to solve it and this result in the easy solution before it become a real problem (Healy, 2001). Sometimes it becomes necessary to compromise on the decisions or solutions make by other members. It happens in those teams where the team members have same or very low difference in powers to implement.

Another solution is used in corporations to discuss problem with the individual person which are responsible for the conflict, discuss all the issues and agree all the parties to resolve it. If this technique does not work then involve a third party or mediator who is trained for this purpose, and will try to bring both parties to a reasonable solution on the basis of his training can be feasible. If both the solutions do not work and problem remains as there then it becomes necessary to put it next to the whole team (Larsen, 2009). When two or more than two people work together to complete a task or to achieve a goal, then it is called a team.


Wenocur, S. (2004) Community practice: theories and skills for social workers: Oxford

University Press US.

Larsen, J. (2009) Direct Social Work Practice: Theory and Skills: Cengage Learning.

Healy, L. (2001) International social work: professional action in an interdependent world: Oxford University Press US, 2001

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