Studies on U.S correction systems

Weekly Assignment #2

A study of female offenders could portray many issues concerning their lives. The incarceration process may change the way they acted and participated in the society before they were imprisoned, during the imprisonment, and even after their term in prison elapses. The reason for taking such offenders could as well be viewed as being a barrier to the society’s development since they could have been a threat to the wellbeing of others. At the same time, some offenders may find it hard to accept that they were wrong while others go to prison without having gone against the law in real sense. All these issues bring in the differences in female offenders in the three categories of their lives.

Studies on U.S correction systems hardly focused on female offenders in the past. This is because female offences were considered a minor issue on the societal wellbeing. It is only recently that the same was taken seriously after female offenses were found to be a major social problem (Brodsky, 1975). The way these female offenders related with their peers in the society changes completely after being charged with various offenses leading them to imprisonment. Some of them could be loved in their societies and be productive both socially and economically. A mistake or misfortune may turn their life miserable and end up changing their societal image completely after they are detained for a specified time (Brodsky, 1975). While some people would always sympathize with them and be ready to accept them back, other would never wish to accept them whether they have changed in character for the better or not. Those females with families end up with their families being affected by the entire incarceration process.

Children development come in as another issue alongside other effects such as foster care placement, family strengthening as well as the post-prison adjustment efforts (Brodsky, 1975). A female with children may have related well with her own children and her other folks before imprisonment. This may certainly change after she is imprisoned whereby she is blamed of any negative changes within her family (Brodsky, 1975). Depending on the duration of the incarceration and the offense, she may face rejection from her own people a factor that makes most of female have little or no hope in life after incarceration. During the incarceration process, she may be hardly visited nor encouraged by any person from her family or society and this could even lead to increased pressure in her life. The most depressed may attempt suicide especially after imagining that life after incarceration has been doomed by what the society thinks of her.

It is the obligation of the correction institution and her family to strengthen them and show a way out of the incarceration life. They should be advised that life would ever be boring without challenges and that any problems related to the incarceration process is part of the expected difficulties in life. The way to face such challenges has to be incorporated bravely and strategically (Brodsky, 1975). Sometimes it would be necessary to avoid reflecting the past especially when the incarceration was initiated unjustly according the views of the affected. Whatever corrective measures have been taken should be thought as being a benefit to the society on the prisoner’s life (Brodsky, 1975). Unlike the increasing number of female prisoners who are returning home without adequate preparation of facing the various challenges outside the prisons due to less assistance in reintegration and strained connections with families and friends, the female prisoners should be psychologically prepared for this and have clue on how to face it. This would be of great help as far as connecting their life before, during and after incarceration is concerned.


Brodsky, S. L. (1975). Families and Friends of Men in Prison. Lexington: Mass: Lexington Books.

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