Executive Brief on Strategic Planning for a Military Base for Homeland Security Class
Homeland security system improvement has attracted programs aimed at ensuring the improvement sustained is responsive to the current range of threats to national security and disaster preparedness (Office of Homeland Security, 2002). Homeland security stakeholders in Carroll County have a daunting task of ensuring that the Fire and EMS departments are integrated and better coordinated in order to take care of the homeland security needs that they are assigned (NFPA, 2009). Over the years, the departments have relied on volunteer programs to staff the various areas of human resource needs in the system. In view of the improvement mandate that the authorities have, this system not only better coordination but also requires a professional staffing dimension that will enhance performance.
In the above mentioned circumstances facing the homeland security aspects in Carroll County, a strategic plan is required to facilitate a thorough improvement of the system with keen interest on the most fundamental aspects. In the appropriate proposed strategic plan for homeland security in the county, the first subject area of interest must therefore seem not to overlook the staffing aspect that mainly relies on volunteer arrangement for the bulk of staffing needs referred to as CCVESA. Under the changing economic times, it is increasingly becoming difficult for volunteers to afford sufficient time for the homeland security voluntary contribution. This has occasioned a deficit in human resource requirements for a sector that has an ever increasing demand due to the rising number of security threats. To this end, the strategic plan proposes an efficient program where the fourteen companies tasked with the provision of homeland security services to be integrated so that staffing needs can be handled centrally. Under such an arrangement, it will not only be possible to recruit professionals such as engineers but soliciting for funding from the relevant authorities will be more harmonized in the wake of budget cuts in individual projects across major government programs. Statement of the Problem
In the wake of unprecedented security threats across the globe, the need for more vigilant approaches cannot be assumed, particularly inside the US that faces a significantly greater threat than many other countries. By sticking to the current program that operates on a disintegrated system and a volunteer staffing basis, a number of challenges beckon for the homeland security needs in Carroll County. Leaving individual homeland security services providing companies to operate separately creates unbalanced excesses for instance in equipment purchases that could be managed sufficiently using lesser of such costs across the integrated system. Coupled with the increased need for factoring in budget cuts, this is an expensive approach that can only be handled centrally.
It is a challenge in operating similar functions under independent approach for public service companies which ought to observe coordination in discharge of important services such as security. Lack of cooperation and integration in the public service could prove to be an expensive approach than when a common policy is employed in handling service delivery (Seltzer, 2004). Operating such a sensitive department on a voluntary basis implies that there is a missing link in modern security service delivery that embraces a high specialization direction. Professional security personnel undertaking advanced courses in security are increasingly being produced by institutions of higher learning. Lack of adoption of recent training and technological advancements in service delivery in Carroll County presents the missing link towards professionalization and embracing of modern trends in tackling the ever evolving security needs.
Operational Definitions
Certain terms used in the strategic plan need clarification and definitions, which are attempted in the following section (University of Maryland, 2008).
CCVESA-Carroll County Volunteer Emergency Services Association (CCVESA) which is the team that handles homeland security issues in the county.
Combination department- department made up of voluntary and salaried staff
Integration-bringing together separate departments under one management and coordination
EMS department- Emergency Medical Services is a section of homeland security that deals with medical related casualties reported to the department
Fire department- homeland security segment that deals with fire accidents across the county
Disintegrated operation- a system of operation by several institutions on a completely independent basis with little or no cooperation among them
Significance of the Strategic Plan for Future of Homeland Security
In terms of future applications for the proposed homeland security strategic plan, a lot of changes are expected on a regular basis in a review system that advances with the changing needs. Due to the needs of the security apparatus applied by the authorities, it is perhaps important that shortages, mismanagement and inefficiencies are avoided due to the sensitivity and gravity of security needs of any society in the modern world. In line with the security preparedness necessitated by a society’s vulnerability to security challenges as the one exposed to the American community, it is important that policy design and formulation is realigned ad adjusted to the pressing needs of this sector.
The significance of this proposal is therefore the timing of the realignment of staffing and coordination needs proposed in line with the missing links. The most appropriate homeland management insights that this strategic plan proposes for the future of the sector is that there needs a professional approach for sensitive national issues. By ensuring that security personnel with the appropriate training offer their services on a career basis and not on voluntary arrangements will not only introduce consistency and professionalism but will act as a motivational aspect (WIA, 2011). Homeland security issues are likely to be held in a more serious manner if accountability associated with complete professionalism is introduced into the industry. The current combination department must be modified to make one form of staff. Alternatively, ensuring that the involved stakeholders are incorporated into a coordinated structure will facilitate resource sharing and a common approach likely to elicit positive outcomes. Homeland security will be more equipped if different role players are centrally coordinated to face the common challenges in security within the benefits of teamwork and synergies of resource sharing. Summary
Improvement in homeland security services is a sensitive topic that cannot be comprehensively covered by makeshift arrangements without a consolidated approach among the stakeholders. Using Carroll County as a classical case of the missing links between expected approach and the less functional arrangements, it is perhaps important for a complete overhaul of the current conditions through a number of policies to make a competitive department. In line with the security demands of the modern sector, it is important that advancements are rolled out to the lowest level of devolution at the local scenes. Integration of the fourteen stations of service into a more coordinated body of deployment can make things manageable at the helm of the demanding sector.
Despite the integration needs that the Carroll County homeland security departments require at the minimum, there are also staffing needs that require a different realignment. As mentioned, the bulk of the staffing composition at the Carroll County comes from voluntary service which has been inconsistent and dwindling. Limitation of efficiency on grounds of staffing should be overcome by ensuring that there is a departure, from the combination staffing structure to a homogenous staffing composition with more a professional image. In line with performance demands at the department, salaried employment will facilitate the attraction of the appropriate talent and professionals into the sector. It will be important that the staffing elements are coupled with the integration aspect that is conspicuously missing in the homeland security system in the county.
National Fire Protection Association (2009) Retrieved from: HYPERLINK “”
Office of Homeland Security (2002) “State and Local Actions for Homeland Security,” Retrieved from: HYPERLINK “”
Seltzer, R. (2004) Successful fire department consolidations and their implications for Conventry fire departments. Coventry, Rhode Island.
University of Maryland (2008) “Center for Health and Homeland Security,” Retrieved from: HYPERLINK “”
WIA (2011) “2011 Extension to the Strategic Local Workforce Investment Area Plan,” Retrieved from: HYPERLINK “”