State of Nevada





State of Nevada

A majority of the states in the United States have different problems and laws that guide them. As a result, some of the states have come up with ways in which its people can address issues affecting them or issues that are only unique to these states. Therefore, different states have come up with different forums that allow the respective residents of the states to air their views through websites, state journals, state televisions, and radio. The State of Nevada is one of such state that has come up with radio programs to discuss the issues or developments in its jurisdiction.

Nevada state has a radio station known as KNPR’s (88.9) Public Radio, which airs programs that focus entirely on its issues. On November 15, the radio station had the privilege of discussing the ruling made on a very high profile case involving a man who was facing 24 counts of rape involving three separate victims. The jury found the man not guilty of all the charges. This was after his defense attorneys managed to present evidence that the office of the District Attorney had paid the witnesses for pretrial meetings to cover for travel expenses and the destroyed the records. Paying of witnesses had hitherto proceeded unabated for about 20 years because it was not perceived as illegal. The outcome of the case highlighted the serious question, “Is it a good idea to compensate witnesses for their time, or has the practice compromised the judicial process?”

The people who were invited to discuss the issue and give their opinion were David Figler, the attorney for the accused and Bethany Barnes, a reporter for the Las Vegas Sun who was following the story closely. Dave presented the program in which the issue being discussed was the procedure of payment of the witnesses, its credibility, and the justification given by the Office of the Attorney for the payments.

The issues under discussions included the payments made to the witnesses, disappearance of the records, credibility of the witnesses, and incompetence in the part of the Office of the Attorney. The Attorney, David Figler, stated that the disappearance of the records of payment from the District Attorney worked in favor of the defense as it dented the credibility of the witnesses. However, Bethany pointed out the fact the records had not been destroyed as she was able to get her hands on the payment vouchers. She also brought out the lack of accountability as nobody in the office of the Attorney checked how the money was spent. Bethany noted that the payments made to pay for the mileage did not add up, and there was a lot of inconsistency. The participants agreed on a number of issues such as the fact that paying of witnesses affected the credibility of the witnesses.


Each state at times needs to address its own specific problems, thus it is very vital that the people living within the states are given the chance to know the issues affecting them and also give their opinions on the issues. The forums also give the opportunity for the people of different States to get the opinions of professionals on some issues that are a bit complex for the layman. This programs also give the people of the various states to hear some very educative arguments by the invited guests.

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