Solar Energy in UAE

Solar Energy in UAE

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1.0 Problem Selection and rationale

The UAE Innovation Strategy has been developed to make the UAE one of the most innovative centers in the whole world. This strategy has been focused on the key areas such as renewable energy, transport, education, health, technology, water and space. The goal of the innovation strategy is to be able to achieve the vision 2021 in the UAE. It is the main goal of UAE as set out by the His Highness the Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai. The strategy is a four parallel approach with 30 key targets initiatives which had been planned to be implemented in the duration of three years.

The UAE government has also approved the availing of resources for the implementation of the project. This includes an investment of about Dh14 billion set aside for every year and Dh7 billion to be used for Research and development. This amount will, however, be increased with the significant improvement in demand of the need for resources to fast track the innovativeness of the country.

Similarly, all government agencies are required to cut spending by 1% and use the money for research, development and innovation. The government has also developed innovation incubators, school, and university courses with global partnerships that will see the development of the best innovation centers in the world. It is hoped that this strategy will be able to exploit the power of the mind leading to the progressive development of both the people and country.2.0 Problem Cause Analysis

UAE just like the Gulf oil producing countries relies on the exploration of oil as the main economic activity in the country. However, the levels of oil are going low, and they will become depleted at some point leading to no other source economic activity for the UAE. In addition, the market prices for the Oil in the international markets are always fluctuating leaving the country to grapple with the unstable income generated from oil which is used in funding most of the projects in the UAE (Green et al., 2015).

There are pretty nearly 500 organizations that give non-atomic and non-fossil fuel power era to the overall population. Every year, these organizations aggregately give more than $20 billion dollars of vitality to the open business. The pattern among these option vitality sources is required to develop fundamentally as the requirement for options powers and force develops. As of now, the cost of oil and another fossil energizes has soared to the point where numerous buyers are searching for options strategies for force. On the whole, the industry utilizes more than 20,000 individuals. Total payrolls surpass $5 billion dollars for every year. Consequently, there is need to develop other sources of income and energy sources which are more clean and will cost less for the country to maintain due to the introduction of the carbon tax as a result of the overproduction of carbon emissions generated during the exploration processes (Reda, 2015).

3.0 The Research problem areas

The government reduce the overreliance on oil and gas to more clear and safer energy

Most of the employees in the UAE are technocrats that earn more money than would be paid to local experts.

The vision 2021 may not be achievable without a strategy

The Emiratization of UAE is required

Only export in the country is oil

Causes of the problems

The levels of education have been low while industries need top lead experts

The technological support for innovativeness is absent

No alternatives sources of energy are available

Train students on being innovativeScores of the solution

Every problem was scored 2 as the maximum score.

Pareto analysis

# Problem Solution Score

1 Overreliance on oil Create renewable source 2

2 Lack of education Provide education 2

3 Overreliance on technocrats Provide education 2

4 Only major export is oil Create renewable sources 2

5 Emiratization of UAE Provide education 2

Problem Score

Create renewable source 40%

Provide education 60%

Education is the priority strategy to the solution since it will impact significantly on a number of problems compared to the use of the renewable sources of energy. Renewable source of energy comes second to the education suggesting that it will significantly help develop better sources of income for the country leading to less spending and more money to finance other key projects in the country to achieve the innovative strategy for the UAE.

This area of the investigation will detail the monetary atmosphere, the option vitality industry, the client profile, and the opposition that the business will confront as it advances through its business operations. The current geopolitical environment has persuaded that vitality costs will keep on expanding sooner rather than later. The war some nations in Asia that produces oil present shakiness has driven numerous financial analysts to accept that there is a fifteen to twenty percent hazard premium now connected with the cost of raw petroleum and related vitality items. While these issues convey stress to the general economy, Administration sees a noteworthy chance to enter the business sector with a wellspring of options vitality. Numerous government officials and particular vested parties have advanced the advancement of alternative answers for battle the constantly expanding energy costs in UAE. Moreover, the quick development of Asian countries (to be specific India and China) has provoked further increments in the worldwide interest for energy. This pattern is required to proceed continuously (Konovalov, Emelianov & Linke, 2015).4.0 Select the Solution

In order to solve the over-reliance on oil, the best solution based on analysis is the embrace renewable sources. There are many alternatives to renewable sources that can subsidize on oil like solar, hydro, wind, and geothermal. Among the four possible alternatives, solar energy is the best. The reason is that solar energy is in abundance in UAE where the sun is almost available for the most part of the day. Additionally, the form of energy has not been tapped in the region. It is with this in mind that solar will be a viable option.

The energy from the sun is brilliant light and warmth from the sun outfit utilizing a scope of regularly advancing advances, for example, sun based warming, photovoltaics, the sun oriented warm vitality, sun-powered structural engineering and manufactured photosynthesis (Deshpande et al., 2015).

It is an essential wellspring of renewable vitality and its advancements are comprehensively portrayed as either inactive sun based or dynamic sun oriented relying upon the way they catch and convey sun-powered vitality or believer it into sun-powered force. Changing sun oriented processes incorporate the use of photovoltaic gadgets, concentrated sunlight based force and sun powered water warming to tackle the vitality. Uninvolved sun-powered methods incorporate situating a building to the Sun, selecting materials with light scattering and scheduling areas that actually course air.

In 2011, the World-wide energy Organization said that “the advancement of moderate, limitless and clean sun based vitality advances will have immense longer-term advantages. It will build nations’ vitality security through dependence on an indigenous, endless and, for the most part, import-autonomous asset, improve manageability, decrease contamination, bring down the expenses of relieving the use of fossils. These focal points are worldwide. Henceforth the extra expenses of the impetuses for right on time sending ought to be viewed as learning ventures; they must be admirably spent and need to be broadly shared (Khalid, Dincer & Rosen, 2015).5.0 The network diagram and organization Chart


Figure 1: Network diagram

Organizational Chart


6.0 Financial Resources Needed


7.0 The Value Created

The expense of sun oriented energy has fallen forcefully in the course of the most recent 20 years, with quickening value decreases in the most recent five years. The developing worldwide interest for sun-powered force has deciphered into assembling and store network efficiencies, bringing about value decreases keeping pace with buyer gadgets like PDAs, smart phones, top notch TVs.

Power from little or medium-scale sun oriented establishments, for example, those on homes or organizations, costs around 12 to 30 pennies for each kilowatt-hour, however these costs ought to keep on dropping on account of falling establishment costs, open, ease, long haul financing, and a sound number of impetuses and duty bundles offered by about every state government. The current government motivators incorporate a 30 percent venture duty credit (ITC) and, for organizations and business units, a five-year adjusted quickened expense recuperation framework (MACRS), which permits framework proprietors to deduct elected assessments on a quickened timetable of framework worth deterioration (Gherboudj & Ghedira, 2015).

Preferences of Sun oriented Energy

Daylight is free and unendingly renewable.

Not at all like traditional fossil fuel and atomic force, sun oriented force creates no contaminating emanations, including those that cause a dangerous atmospheric deviation.

With no moving parts, sun powered boards are quiet, simple to work, and infrequently require upkeep.

Sunlight based energy can cut service bills for both private and business purchasers. By introducing sunlight based boards on its tremendous rooftop sufficiently sparing on vitality bills to pay for the interest in only five years.

Sunlight based boards can help utilities stay away from brownouts and power outages. At the point when interest for power is high, utilities can utilize the boards to create additional vitality as opposed to start up extravagant and contaminating “crest” force plants that generally lie torpid. This residential industry aides decrease our reliance on outside oil, coal and common gas.

Sun based energy frameworks create power at top force use times (amid the day) when the quality and expense of power is the most astounding. Cutting edge framework tied home sun oriented force frameworks can utilize the shoddy rate lattice power during the evening and lessen or kill the requirement for the high rate electrical force amid the day. Property holders can really push power once again into the electrical lattice amid the day and run their meters in reverse which is creates energy credits and even capital. Envision your electric organization sending you a check consistently rather than a bill! Sounds pipe dream? It happens consistently in UAE (Hernández-Escobedo et al., 2015).

8.0 Business Model Canvas


10.0 Growth Plans and Future Directions

Productivity is turning out to be more vital as sun based delicate expenses turn into a greater piece of the comparison. With the private markets turning out to be more mainstream, and diminishing sun oriented expenses when all is said in done, delicate expenses are currently beginning to make up a sizable bit of aggregate expenses/watt. With higher productivity boards is space spared, as well as establishment expenses, are extraordinarily diminished. Since fewer boards are expected to create a comparable measure of vitality as that of lower proficiency boards, work uses are diminished. First and foremost sun oriented is unmistakably aware of this proficiency drift and is giving its best shot to push the organization’s board efficiencies (Ortega-Fernández et al., 2015).

The sun-powered utilities business has dependably been the biggest fragment in the sun based industry. In the first place, Sun oriented has generally been overwhelming in the utility-scale sun based division and has no arrangements to surrender its hold. The organization has additionally been a standout amongst the most productive in the sun powered industry generally due to its utility-scale inclusion.

The utility sun oriented division will be the primary advocate of First Sun powered proceeded with achievement. A great part of the organization’s accomplishment in this stadium has been because of its finished mix of the utilities business, from plant financing/establishment, the distance to checking. In the first place Sun powered finished reconciliation in this stadium lessens its logistical expenses and gives the organization more control over its anticipation (Taleb & Musleh, 2015). Summary and Conclusion

Since 2010, rising common gas costs in the UAE have consolidated with quickly falling innovation costs for sun-powered photovoltaic (PV) frameworks, specifically. This has made renewables an aggressive alternative for force era in the UAE – an oil exporter, yet progressively a merchant of regular gas. Wind power and waste-to-vitality change have likewise got to be financial with common gas costs above USD 8 for every million English warm units (mBtu). These late improvements make monetary purposes behind the nation quicken its renewable vitality arrangement past the current focuses in Abu Dhabi, Dubai and different emirates.

In order to accomplish such quick scale-up, government offices must be enabled to take all encompassing, relative perspectives of vitality expenses and to complete on such perspectives in force area regulation and tendering. The Emirate of Dubai’s administration model and the formation of a UAE government vitality strategy taskforce are essential introductory stepFor as far back as the decade, the sunlight based industry has been portrayed by its turbulent and insecure nature. Just the most aggressive sun oriented organizations have possessed the capacity to survive this time of merging and insolvencies. First and foremost Sun oriented which has long been an industry champion, was one of only a handful couple of organizations to leave this period moderately unscathed.

In spite of the riotous way of the sunlight based industry, photo-voltaic is ended up being a standout amongst the most encouraging wellsprings of renewable vitality era. To highlight sun-powered monstrous potential, the sun oriented vitality hitting the earth in one day is comparable to 27 years of current energy utilization. Obviously, the main thing restricting across the board selection of sun-powered is mechanical obstructions, which are constantly being separated.


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