Social Problems in the Society


Social Problems in the Society






Social Problems in the Society

Social problems are termed as so because they not only affect the individual, but also the whole society regardless of its size or the size of its population. This is mainly due to the reason that any individuals living close by will face problems which can not be in any way avoided. When talking about social problem, they are linked to those people living together in a particular society. The list of social problems is endless and varies from one region to another depending on the relationship of people living in that society, their economic and social status and the rules governing that particular society. Social issues usually arise when people hold different opinions on how to deal with a specific problem facing the society like the subject of abortion that has continued to spur various opinions. Other problems like extreme poverty and spread of fatal diseases that are experienced in developing countries that are not considered as social problems in the United States.

Unemployment is a social problem in many countries and can be caused by revolutionization of technology, business recession, seasonal changes such as those involved in climatic conditions or due to consumer seasonal tastes and preferences, discrimination in the work place and employee perception of the job or the employer. It is therefore evident that, unemployment can be due to other social problem, economic factors and individual factors. Unemployment is a social problem as well as an individual problem as discussed by Marx & Weber (2007) that can in the long run lead to other social problems such as security issues. Those who are unemployed do not have a source of income and can pose a threat to the society by involving themselves in crimes like stealing so as to make a living.

Illegal drugs is a major crisis in America with others claiming that they should be made legal. Advocates argue that, the prohibition of these drugs only makes them attractive to teenagers who are willing with the intention of satisfy their curiosity (Lee, 2008). The results of drug abuse include the disintegration of neighborhoods, breaking of families, exposure of infants to drugs and loss of productivity and employment. Some people may argue that drug abuse only affects the user, but this is not so it affects both the individual and the society. Many of those who deal with drug addicts in their rehabilitation process will admit that the drug abuse affects the user, their families and friend.

Pollution, consumer health issues and occupational hazards caused by poisonous compounds either in air, water or soils have caused many demonstrations by activists and citizens all over the globe. Pollution problems are mainly rooted to environmental issues though they are evident in the workplace where employees are at a major threat of suffering from diseases that emerge as a result of occupational exposure. The hazard can also extend to the society when the products manufactured in that company are polluted thus affecting members of that particular society as discussed in the article “Social structures of pollution victims.”

Conclusively, social problems affect both the individual and the society and can be as a result of other social problems, economic issues or due to individuals factors. There are many social problems that vary from one area to another depending on the social or economic status of those living there. Among those problems, drug abuse, unemployment and pollution are the major problems experienced in many societies. If a society is interested in eliminating these problems, then they should establish the root cause.


Brown, L. “Drugs Are a Major Social Problem, We Cannot Legalize Them” 25 July, 2008

Iijima, N. “Social structures of pollution victims.” Retrieved from HYPERLINK “”

Marx & Weber. “Causes of Unemployment” Business and Society. 27 August, 2007

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