Soccer in the USA

Soccer in the USA

General framework

The United States has one of the most significant and diversified soccer cultures. The primary reason behind the students’ interest in the topic is how soccer has become one of the big businesses with a well-worn cliché in the United States. Students acknowledge the fact that soccer has grown in the US with the nation hosting valuable soccer tournaments globally (Andrews 82). The students want to research the topic to establish how soccer has grown since the US hosted the 1994 world cup including major investments that have been established in soccer stadiums. The research is also to analyze how commercialization of soccer has taken effect on the US sports industry (Andrews 82).

The research topic is universal since it covers the progress, growth and commercialization of soccer (Markovits 99). The topic is to cover how soccer is running America sports industry into success and how clearly it is a significant factor through which the nation’s drive, energy and competitiveness is promoted to greater platforms. It focuses on the facts as to why the modern American soccer accommodates individuals from every background as an essential part of sport success. The research topic will also focus on the findings from past soccer experiences in the American sport industry (Thomaselli 1).

The students have a past experience with the topic. They once analyzed what American soccer capitalism teaches about global fair play. The analysis elaborated on how modern professional soccer along the US adopted social democratic lines has become the most successful manifestations of capitalism. The students found out that capitalism in soccer had unique characteristics such as inactive monopoly where soccer teams and athletes require sporting competitors (Andrews 82). The second was that competitors are to be genuine to enable a degree of balance with predictable soccer contests having limited entertainment values (Andrews 82).

Learning goals

With the growth of professional soccer in the United States, the students hope to discuss the following issues:

How soccer has grown in the American sports industry and on a global perspective

How soccer is a significant testament to the US great diversity in sports culture

How soccer in America is used as a unifying factor and how it has created a community of vast solidarity

Soccer’s significant eclipses in American society with the exceptional scale of popularity and how the bond of soccer has been a factor in diffusing cases of hostility

Specific focus

The research study is to assist in understanding American soccer through its progressive diversity in the sports industry (Fizel 134). In narrowing the working thesis statement, the following applied limits will help in establishing the research focus:

Time: the research will be carried out during the major league soccer season in 2013-2014. The research study will take place over a three week period in five sessions each with a duration of three hours.

Place: geographically, the research topic is limited geographically to the State of Indiana due to better accessibility of the region as an area of study. The study depends on accessibility to the soccer personalities, sports documents and organizations in the study area (Thomaselli 1).

Special circumstances: some of the factors behind narrowing of the topic include soccer history, personalities, and effects in other sports fields, growth and significance (Kiuchi 101). This also includes the availability of adequate information on soccer in published journals and American sports research databases.

Works cited

Andrews, David L. Sport – Commerce – Culture: Essays on Sport in Late Capitalist America. New York: Lang, 2006. Print.

Fizel, John. Handbook of Sports Economics Research. Armonk, N.Y: M.E. Sharpe, 2006. Print.

Kiuchi, Yuya. Soccer Culture in America: Essays on the World’s Sport in Red, White and Blue. , 2014. Print.

Markovits, Andrei S, and Steven L. Hellerman. Offside: Soccer and American Exceptionalism. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2001. Internet resource.

Thomaselli, Rich. “Soccer In The U.S. Reaches Its Goals A Step At A Time.” Advertising Age 80.13 (2009): 14. ProQuest. Web. 15 Mar. 2014.

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