Smoking is a common way of life associated with New York.





Smoking ban for college campuses less productive than intended

Smoking is a common way of life associated with New York. Nevertheless, the New York University has recently put in place measures to curb smoking in all of its 23 campuses, thereby joining other states with universities and colleges that have banned smoking. This banning of smoking in Universities has been gaining support in recent months all over the U.S.

New York is known to be a trendy city. (Carly 24). In Los Angeles, smoking is considered as alien, and is banned in all public places. The ban may help reduce the culture of smoking. Even if some students might not like the decision and start smoking in hidden places, some may ignore the policy and continue smoking There are various restrictions already in place that have banned smoking in restaurant vicinity, buildings of residence, public places and even indoors. Although the universities aim is to help the smokers to quit smoking is appreciated. Much can be done other than to force the smokers to take their smoking habit elsewhere, like bringing smokers together and educating them on the effects of smoking and the advantages of living a smoke free life other than forcing them to adhere to the rules against smoking. (Carly 26).

UC campuses to ban smoking by 2014

All Universities in California are expected to be tobacco free by the year 2014. That is as per the letter written to all chancellors by the president of UC. The letter directed all chancellors to ensure that tobacco is not sold within the campuses. Health related issues brought about the ban. The negative consequences of smoking on the environment were another major issue that brought about the ban. (Golmah 22).

The ban will not be implemented immediately. It will be in place after two years to allow time for the students to adjust their smoking habits. A committee will have to be formed to deliberate on the best way to implement the ban. Different people received the impending ban differently. Nonsmokers supported the idea saying the effects of second hand smoke were severe (Golmah 22). Some smokers were angered by the announcement because they believed that smoking helps them relieve stress. Others said the chances of the ban succeeding were very limited.

Colleges tell smokers, ‘You’re not welcome here’

During the summer, an organized group of students and staff from Kentucky University went all round the campus looking for smokers. Different from hall monitors who are always on the look for misbehaving students, the group approached anybody who they saw smoking with respect. Asked them to dispose the cigarette and educated the smoker on the effects of smoking, and told them of the facilities the campus has to help one quit smoking. Very many Universities have been striving to enact policies to make the campuses 100% tobacco free. The method of implementation and enforcement varied from campus to campus (Stephanie). The most successful was where the students implemented the rules themselves through awareness campaigns. University of Florida was the first to implement 100% ban on its premises on July 10th 2010. The Valencia College in Orlando is planning to adopt the policy. Students from the State college of Florida have been motivated by other Universities and are currently in the process of adopting the policy. Michigan University has also seen the positive effects of the ban. Smokers can now be seen smoking in areas where smoking is allowed. (Stephanie).

Works Cited

Golmah Zarinkhou. UC campuses to Ban Smoking, 13thJanuary 2012:20/23

Stephanie Steinberg, College tell smokers you are not welcome here,CNN,2005.Retrived on September 1,2011 HYPERLINK “”

Carly Cody. Smoking ban for college campuses less productive than intended, February 2, 2011:23/26

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