Student name
Course title
Policy level storyboard
Issue of concern in reaching vision Cause of the issue of concern Service to overcome issue of concern Problem in providing service Proposed
There is a lot of time wasted in transferring money from one point to another. Money transfer is slow when transacting business activities. Provide mobile money transfer. Create mobile money transfer system Develop mobile money transfer service where the people can order, pay and obtain money for their transaction by depositing and sending money via mobile phones.
Mobile number registration Loose of number Provide payment centres. Security concern. 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION
My project m-money transfer system will improve the payment method, and business transaction for the people transaction by mobile based money transfer which will allow people to order, pay for, obtain and check money from any location and at any time using mobile phones or other mobile handsets.
The chosen project
Project name: M- money system.
Project objective
People can transfer money from one point to another, as well as business transaction via mobile phones. The person is required to register with the mobile subscriber company by providing all the details. A security code will be set so as to be used by the person for every transfer.
3. Project stage: Proposed ideas for the project.
Idea for a smart city Mobile-money transfer system
Idea contribution to mission Improve payment method, and business transaction.
Users The public
Artifact produced A service for transferring money.
Idea description Mobile money services that allow people to pay for their transactions by simply transferring money.
Social value Easier payment method for transactions.
Key business goal The public could benefit from mobile money transfer in terms of greater operational speed and efficiency. As well as it reduces the production and distribution costs connected with traditional paper-based money transfers.
Business value to client It is more flexible and convenience way where the citizens can avoid long queues for money at the banks, and ATMs.
Market The public.
Assumptions Clients use their mobile phones in transactions.
Stakeholders The public, government.
4. Idea Storyboard
Stories Business activities Features Roles
1 System manager design application for mobile phones that can be used for money transfer. Designing application Platform for the system.
2 A person registers with the mobile subscriber company and is issued with a security code. Registering people to use the system services. Security concerns.
3 The person downloads application free of charge to the mobile phone. Downloading application to the mobile phone. To enable one to use the system.
4 The person registers in the application by signing up. Signing up. Computer verifies the person’s identity with that already registered with subscriber company.
5 The person enters all the general information and all the details of mobile number. Signing up. Banking institutions offering money transfer services will benefit in terms of greater operational speed and efficiency.
6 A person deposit money in the mobile phone Depositing money onto the phone. 7 A person sends money via mobile phone to a registered or un registered person. Sending money. M-money transfer reduces the cost of transferring money.
8 On sending and withdrawing money, a person is prompted with a security code. Checking the person’s identity. For security issues.
9 A person buy airtime on his phone or on some ones phone.
A person pay bills Buying airtime.
Paying bills Very convenient way of refilling airtime credit.
Easy, fast, and convenient way of settling the bills e.g. electricity bills.
10 Mobile money transfer system quickly and accurately calculates a transaction price that is aligned with the amount for sending and receiving. Calculating price Fast and accurate.
5. The role and business activities
System manager designing m- money system: Platform for the system.
The person registers with the mobile subscriber company: security concerns.
The person download application: To enable one to use the system.
Signing up in the application: for verification with database.
Entering all general information signing up: to get unique identity.
Person deposit money in the mobile phone: to use for transactions.
Sending money via mobile phone to a registered or un-registered person.
On sending and withdrawing money, a person is prompted with a security code.
A person buys airtime and pay bills on his phone or on some ones phone.
Mobile money transfer system: quickly and accurately calculates a transaction fee.
6. BAM and ESN of the activities in the system
a. BAM
b. ESN
7. Features and how they would be used by the roles in business activities.
The features are that m-money transfer system should provide easy, fast, effective, and cheap transfer of money. System manager is expected to be developing a system that is easy and user friendly for all users.
8. Evaluation
Criterion Description Mark (out of 10)
Market for idea Do you expect many people to take up your idea 10
Concept clarity Is it clear how it will work 10
Competitiveness How much better are you than other similar ideas 10
Economy Is it economic to build 10
Profitability Will someone make money out of it 10
Interest Do you think you can get people interested in your idea 10
Ability to compete How competitive are you in the market 10
Works Cited
Camillus, J C. “Strategy as a Wicked Problem” H. Harvard Business Review, 2008.
Haubensak, Osliver. Smart Cities and Internet of Things. 2011.
Hellal, S. IT Footprinting- Groundwork for future Smart Cities. 2011.