Skills Portfolio Section 1 Reflection
Skills Portfolio Section 1: Reflection
In this essay, I seek to explore the study methods that have been of particular importance and have brought about success to me throughout my first five weeks in college. I will also look into area that require further improvement so as to ensure that the coming years are as successful as the first five weeks have been. I will also evaluate on how best I can manage my time and incorporate other ways on how to use it more effectively.
As an accounting student, the course content is very involving due to all the calculations associated with it. As explored in the article “Skills and Qualifications Needed to Be an Accountant”, accuracy is not negotiable and one should have the ability to pay attention to the minor details. I had minor challenges here and there in the first week because it was a bit difficult for me to adapt to the new learning style that involved extensive reading and constant revision to emphasize the minor details taught in the lecture. I now feel that I have made tremendous progress which is mainly because of the high level of organization that I acquired in the first two weeks. It was important for me to keep a diary that indicates the topics that were covered in the lectures and indicating which ones needed further reading for clarification purposes. This helped me organize my work putting extra effort on those areas that required my attention.
Group discussions are also an important aspect in the learning process especially when it comes to such a demanding course as Accounting. Different students have different capabilities and when they come together, they enhance one another’s understanding and at the same time stimulating their thoughts. Group discussions do not only have an academic importance, but also help students to relate better with each other hence improving the learning process.
Time management is an issue that I had to struggle in the first five weeks of this course. The workload has a tendency to build up if revision time is not included in the timetable on a daily basis. In relation to this setback, I will draw a timetable that is more efficient and one that allows me to plan my time to incorporate all the activities of the day. There should be a designated time for lectures, personal reading and extracurricular activities.
Conclusively, I have acquired skills that have helped me to pay attention to minor details, better organization as well as improved my relationship with other students. Though time management has been a problem, it is my hope that the new strategies I am coming up with will help me deal with the problem accordingly.
Work Cited
Richardson, Melvin. “Skills and Qualifications Needed to Be an Accountant.” Associated Content. April 10, 2009.