Response to Peer Post (17)

Response to Peer Post

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Response to Peer Post

Thank you for your thoughts and arguments in this post. I appreciate the emphasis your place on the need for leaders to engage and encourage ongoing individual learning toward guaranteeing their effectiveness in strategic leadership, and developing others. You mention that such learning is reflected in the conceptual competency of frame of reference development and the metacompetencies of professional astuteness and identity. I concur with you because professionally astute leaders understand that they should never deem themselves as mere members of a profession, but rather as people who bring about organizational transformation (Wong et al., 2003). Also, strategic leaders understand their self-concept and demonstrate maturity beyond their self-awareness as a reflection of the identity. Thirdly, strategic leaders depict the capacity to build complex knowledge structures as they progress form schooling through personal experience to self-study to ensure ongoing development (Gerras et al., 2010).

I see that you and I agree that the lists of competencies, essential skills, and metacompetencies are complementary rather than contradictory because complete strategic leaders should endeavor to possess all these attributes. Thank also for pointing out that the level of comprehensiveness of the essential skills’ list is lower than that of the competencies’ list because the former fails to reflect two vital leadership abilities, namely, communication abilities and interpersonal maturity. Lastly, an interesting point you broach is that while the technical competencies delineated by Gerras et al. (2010) offer crucial building blocks for strategic leadership, the necessitates greater mastery by higher-level managers who do not serve as strategic leaders.


Gerras, S. J., Clark, M., Allen, C., Keegan, T., Meinhart, R., Wong, L., … & Reed, G. (2010). Strategic leadership primer. Army War College, Carlisle Barracks PA.

Wong, L., Gerras, S., Kidd, W., Pricone, R., & Swengros, R. (2003). Strategic leadership competencies. Army War College, Carlisle Barracks PA, Strategic Studies Institute.

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