Religion was more vital than trade during the Silk Road and it affected people in India and China


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Question 1

Religion was more vital than trade during the ‘Silk Road’ and it affected people in India and China. The ‘Silk Road’ was extremely beneficial to the Chinese people, as it provided them with religious ideas and goods, used for trade. This means that many people migrated into China and they were mostly traders. It was during the Han Dynasty, that the ‘Silk Road’ was begun. During this time, people such as the Xiongnu, migrated and went to Europe. Later on, they went to the Northern part of India and settled there. Civilizations, such as that of the West and China developed during this period. In turn, trade took place and various products were now available, due to the ‘Silk Road’. Religion was the most vital element of the ‘Silk Road’. An example of such a religion was Buddhism, which was originally from India, and is now found in China. According to history, it was through an emperor’s curiosity that Buddhism was brought to China. Chinese people embraced Buddhism greatly during the dynasty of the Northern Wei. This means that religion had a greater impact as compared to trade. In conclusion, religion was extremely beneficial in enhancing the ‘Silk Road’.

Question 2

During the early years of the 1500’s, Christianity was similar to Islam, in many ways and the differences were few. This has changed because of people’s current lifestyles as well as technology. The two major religions in the world are Islam and Christianity. There are religious practices, which are common among the two religions. Jesus Christ is the founder of Christianity and this took place from 4 B.C. to 30 A.D. On the other hand, Islam’s founder is known as Mohammed and he introduced it around the years 570-632 A.D. In both religions, there are various divisions, such as, in Christianity there are Roman Catholics, Protestant and Orthodox Christians. In Islam, the groups, which exist, are two and they are the Shia and Sunni. In both religions there are books that are considered holy, such as the Quran and Bible. The books contain information, which they believe is the word of God. Also, followers of the religion have holy sanctuaries, which are for the purpose of prayer and worship. Christians worship in churches and Muslims conduct prayers in mosques. Differences exist between the religions as well. For example, Christians have practices such as baptism and Holy Communion, while in Islam this does not exist. Their concepts regarding hell, salvation as well as judgment is different. Currently tensions of a religious nature exist between Christians and Muslims and this is due the differences in ideologies.

Question 3

Christianity during the Byzantium Empire was of more significance as compared to Islam in its different empires. Islam was widespread in most of its territories, such as the Mughal Empire in India. This was during the 17th and 16th centuries. In turn, south Asia was consolidated by Islam and thus, an impact on its faith and culture. Most Hindus during that time were ruled by mughals and thus were mostly in military and government positions. The culture of the Hindu people was influenced by that of the Persians. On the other hand, the Byzantium Empire was affected by Christianity mostly in the sector of culture. This means that the Greek and roman culture, which existed was preserved. Codes, which were used by the Romans were strict, and currently are being used in many legal systems in the world. In conclusion, Christianity had a greater impact on culture as compared to Islam.

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