Nursing Metaparadigm Essay
Nursing Metaparadigm Essay
The American Nursing Association (2015) defines nursing as “protecting, promoting and optimizing health and ability, preventing disease and injury, alleviating healing, alleviating suffering through diagnosing and treating human responses, and advocating for caring for individuals, families, groups, communities. and the population ”.The metaparadigm of care includes human, health, environment, and care. These four components are key areas when it comes to patient care.
The first part of the nursing metaparadigm theory is the person who not only refers to the patient himself but also includes his family members, friends, groups, communities, and populations. These social bonds and relationships provide strength, hope, and meaning to a person’s life that heals them holistically. It involves “a personal system that interacts with interpersonal and social systems” (Masters, 2015, p. 92). This includes every aspect of the patient’s self. It is important for the nurse to look at the whole person, including their spiritual, emotional, and financial condition. This metaparadigm facilitates patient care by understanding where they are coming from and what is most important to them.
The second nursing metaparadigm is health.
The second component of the nursing metaparadigm is health. Health means human well-being and access to health care. Human health consists of physical, intellectual, emotional, psychological, and spiritual well-being. It defines a “person’s dynamic life experience, which implies constant adaptation to stressors in the internal and external environment through the optimal use of their resources to achieve maximum potential in everyday life” (Masters, 2015, p. 92). The nurse cares for the patient and empowers him or her to manage their health to the best of their ability so that he or she can live in optimal health (Philosophy of the Nursing and Health Professions of Grand Canyon University, 2016).
The third nursing metaparadigm is the environment
The third element is the environment, which includes everything around the person, which affects his or her illness as well as recovery. The environment consists of many internal, external, and social factors, such as physical and mental condition, financial condition, geographic location, culture, religious affiliation, social support, and personal relationships (Nurse Groups, nd). The external environment is the context “in which people grow, develop and carry out their daily activities”; the internal environment of people transforms energy, allowing them to adapt to the constant changes of the external environment” (Masters, 2015, p. 92). The distinction between the internal and external environment is incredibly important. If the internal environment is unable to adapt to the changing external environment, external growth and development will be suppressed. It is very important for the patient to be in an environment conducive to his or her complete recovery. It is also vital to the formulation of her goal achievement theory.
The fourth Metaparadigm is care
The finale of the exit theory metaparadigm is care. Nursing refers to all the specific skills a person must acquire to become a nurse, including medical knowledge, technical skills, critical thinking, leadership, communication, training, physical dexterity, and practical patient care. In applying these skills, the nurse must show empathy for her patients. Lack of empathy for patients is likely to be detrimental to the health and recovery of patients.
In general, all of the above aspects of patient care must coexist in a person to become a full-fledged nurse. A nurse can be confident that he or she is providing the best possible care for a patient if he or she combines these components and treats the patient as a whole, not the disease or the body.
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